Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 05.21.07
This card
is just mean with Shadow Word Pain. And with
Shadowform out, when you use Mind Blast your
opponent discards 4 cards hehehe. If only
Priests could withstand rush, a good Shadow
Priest would smash any sort of slow
build-up-the-hand control deck such as
Warlocks and stall Mages. As it stands this
and other Priest cards are just too slow.
Constructed 3/5
Raid 1/5
Ooo... looks like
we get to review a ton of equipment this week. Hmm.
Lets se what we got.
Two-Handed Weapon - Staff, Melee (1)
Classes: Priest
5 cost, 4 Strike, 1 ATK (melee)
When your hero deals shadow damage with an ability
to a hero or Ally, that characters control discards
a card.
Exhaust your hero >>> Put a card named Benediction
from your graveyard into play.
Um... am I totally blind or does Benediction not
even exist yet? OK... well, we'll go with all the
rest of it.
5 for weapon kinda hurts. And 4 strike for 1 attack
is far from amazing. But, with all do respect, this
IS a priest weapon. For its ability, though, 5 cost
isn't that horrible. If you deal Shadow Damage to a
hero or ally with an ability card (Shadow Word: Pain
or Shadow Word:Death, for example), you can force
your opponent to discard a card. This has some
interesting possibilites... You Shadow Word: Pain
your enemy with this out, and they are discarding a
card every turn. SW:P them twice, and thats 2 a
turn. If you use Anathema in combination with Mind
Spike, thats 2 cards to discard (unless you can make
that damage higher...).
Sealed: 1/5 Odds are, you won't get enough Shadow
damage cards in here to use it.
Constructed: 3/5 In constructed, this card can be
pretty powerful. Card advantage wins. You don't have
to draw to have card advantage. Just more cards than
your opponant.
Casual: 3/5 Anathema may see some fun decks in
Casual. Could be a pretty cool priest pinger/
discard deck. Hmm...
Raid (Onyxia) 3/5 Here, its a mid-ground card. You
can really hurt Onyxia by making sure she has no
hand, but most of the time, in a raid, you'll want
to focus your priest on Healing. Oh, to heck with
it... get a Druid or Shammy to heal... Priest DPS
Welcome to
weapon week World of Warcraft warriors!
First up is Anathema. This
a priest only weapon with a rather nasty ability.
With a constant stream
of shadow damage you can ensure your opponent will
be topdecking. Since Anathema is a rod it has a
horrible attack cost with minimal damage but I don't
think you'll be attacking with it much. Once your
opponent is out of cards this card would have done
its job. A very good priest weapon, especially with
Omedus the Punisher.
Sealed: 1.5 out of 5 -
This card only works with a certain type of damage
for a class that is low on health. Not too good here
in this format.
Constructed: 4.5 out of
5 - With Omedus this card is almost a must have.
Combined with Omedus's
flip power this is a very good card indeed.
Casual: 4.5 out of 5 -
The look on you friend's face when he suddenly has
no hand should be the only incentive you need.
Raid: 4.5 out of 5 -
Onyxia with no hand is just awesome.