Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 05.22.07
Rogues sure got
some nice treats this set. A cheap Dagger with cheap
swing and an effect to boot. The nice in-built
Vanquish means you will actually get some use out of
the other weapons in your hand, and gives you
something to respond with when they try kill the
Well. This is a neat little card. Its cheap to play
and attack with, and you can sac it to flat out
whack an Ally. You could easily sacrifice your
Felstriker and replace it with the oh- so- popular
Krol Blade. On the whole, I like Felstriker. I don't
really have much more to say about it. :)
Sealed: 3/5 you may find better weapons, but here,
its cheap and easy to use if you are playing a Rogue
or Warrior deck. or, you just draft it cuz its
Epic.... :)
Constructed: 4/5 I've seen a few pretty mean Rogue
decks that would like this card much. Its cheaper
than a Krol Blad (if only slightly), and it does
what rogues do best. Kill Allies.
Casual: 3/5 Here, it may be a bit less useful. In
Casual, you are likely to come across several no-
Ally decks, or with very few Ally cards. Still its a
cheap weapon. :)
Raid (Onyxia) 2/5 Here, you will probably want to
play something better in a Rogue or Warrior deck.
Its not worth 5 and sac to kill 1 whelp.
Felstriker is the
weapon in our arsenal. Let's start with the cost.
The cost is pretty standard for a dagger. It has
also has a standard dagger attack of two. The strike
is a nice one resource. This makes the stats above
The one strike cost makes for some quick, early
damage against your opponent.
Now onto the main reason for the card's review. You
can pay 5 and destroy felstriker to destroy an ally.
The 5 cost is one more than the neutral ability
Vanquish which isn't too bad, considering the fact
that can do damage with Felstriker before using its
secondary effect. Very nice indeed.
Sealed, Constructed, Casual, Raid: 4.5 out of 5 - A
good, quick, solid dagger in its own right, but the
added ability to destroy an ally adds to its
versatility. The ability cost could cheaper. Still
good though.