Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 05.25.07
I strike, I win.
It’s 11 damage to the face. Or if they protect,
Thunderfury deals its damage BEFORE battle damage
happens, so you won’t be taking damage if the
protector has 5 or less health. I got this baby
along with Herod’s Shoulder in sealed once…good
times. Turn 8 Herod’s. Turn 9 Thunderfury. Turn 10
GG. And with Chipper as the weapon hate of choice
these days, its gonna stay until that turn 10 more
Constructed 4/5
Casual 5/5
Sealed 5/5
Raid 3/5
Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Weapon- Sword, Melee (1)
Classes: Hunter, Paladin, Rogue, Warrior
9 cost, 5 strike, 6 ATK (Melee)
When you strike with Thunderfury, chosse up to 5
heroes and/or allies. Your hero deals 5, 4, 3, 2,
and 1 nature damage to them, respectivly.
Wow... OK... first off, the title is WAYYYYY to
freakin' long... it almost doesn't fit on the card.
Second of all: Wow. Ouch. Boom.
The MAJOR drawback to this card is its INSANE cost
of 9. But, for its ability, 9 is really a bargain.
you spend 5 per turn to do a grand total of 21
damage? Thats a deal and a half. So, it costs 9. If
you are playing a stall deck, you can get here
without much hassle. Um... can you stall in WoW? As
a small note, I have one these, and I'm about to cry
cuz I can't find it... maybe its in a deck? Oh,
In a Raid, this card can be really fun. You can
whack Ony, and then pop off 5 of her Whelps, or
smack her for 6, deal 5 more to her, then smite 4
whelps. 11 damage to ANY hero, dragon or otherwise,
is nothin' to sneeze at.
Sealed: 2/5 If you get this card, and get it out, it
could well win you the game here. But, odds of
EITHER happening are slim.
Constructed: 3/5 Again, if you get this card out, it
can be a game breaker. Also, there is also some
bragging ot be done.. "Yeah, I just dropped a
Thunderfury. Thats right, I'm uber". :)
Casual: 4/5 Thunderfury is a great casual card.
Again, you get the bragging rights, and since you
are with friend, they'll appreciate you bragging
more than some random joe at the tourny.
Raid (Onyxia) 4/5 This card can make Ony cry, and it
requires FAR less playing that Zin'rokh. And its
fun. Have I mentioned that yet? :)
Brian Foster
Well, hello all,
this is my first card o' the day.
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the WIndseeker
Class: hunter, paly, rogue, warrior
Cost: 9 stk: 5 atk:6
When you strike with Thunderfury, choose up to five
heroes and/or allies. Your hero deals 5, 4, 3, 2,
and 1 nature damage to them, respectively.
although this card is quite expensive to play, i
think it's really well worth it in pretty much any
format. i'm not going to say put 4 of these bad boys
in your deck, cause really, if you get it early game
it will just go down as a resource and you will be
wishing you had gotten something you can use now.
really as soon as you play this card, unless your
opponent can do something about it, it's pretty much
game over, because you're not only going to be
swinging for 6 every turn after you play it, but you
you also have the "chain lighting" effect as well so
as soon as you wipe the field, your hitting for 11
every turn, then its only a matter of time before
it's game over.
sealed: 2.5/5 might not be as good as it is in other
formats, cause of the cost, but still worth playing
if you get it.
constructed: 4/5 i think this is really a must have
if you can play it, its just too good not to
casual: 5/5 cause casual players like big numbers
(just like MTG)
raid: 4/5
Rounding up
weapon week is the mighty Thunderfury, Blessed Blade
of the Windseeker. First let's look at the cost of
this mighty weapon. The play cost is a hefty 9
resources. Now that's a freakin' ton. The attack is
a great 6. the striking cost a big 5. Between the
play and strike cost your looking at a combined 14
resources and that's quite a large cost to pay. So
more often then not you're going to be attacking the
following turn you play Thunderfury.
Now on to the reason anyone would use this card in
the first place, the effect. You get to choose up to
five different targets for some extra damage plus
the normal damage. The first target would take 5,
the next 4, the next 3, and so on. So in one you can
do a total damage of 21. 14 resources for 21 damage
is pretty good if I do say so myself.
Sealed: 2.5 out of 5 - This is a toss up. If you get
it out you'll most likely win. If you don't this
card will probably end up in the resource row.
Constructed: 4 out of 5 - This card has seen some
success especially in the Dark Moon Faire, Austin.
The majority of Team Alternate Win Condition's decks
ran this card as an ace in the hole finisher. With a
good solo deck with support this card will make
trouble of itself.
Casual: 4 out of 5 - Throwing all that damage around
couldn't be anything but fun.
Raid: 2 out of 5 - This card could take out 4 or 5
whelps in Onyxia but the damage to Onyxia could be
achieved faster with other weapons at a cheaper
cost. It'll be interesting to see what the Molten
Core Raid will have to offer in terms of allies and
boss characters.
"You shall remember this day as the day you went to
go see the new Pirates of the Carribean movie at a
theater near you!"