Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 05.30.07
Red Comet
Korthas Greybeard
A boring effect that completely negates his
protector status.
Constructed: 1/5
Casual: 1/5
Raid: 1/5
Ooo... we get a
dwarf today... i wonder if we'll ever get a Lagforge
card? Hmm....
Korthas Greybeard (Alliance)
Ally- Dwarf Paladin
1 cost, 1 ATK (Melee), 2 Health
Protector, Activate>> Prevent the next 1 damage that
would be dealt to target hero or ally.
Well... this guy is kinda simaler to yesterdays
ally. A 1/2 Protector for 1 isn't a bad deal. His
ability kinda throws me off, though. Since you have
to activate to protect, you can't protect AND
prevent in the same turn. This does have other
benefits, though. If Korthas happens to be teh
target of the attack, or an ability, you can always
activate him to prevent 1 damage to himself, or you
can put a 1 damage buffer on any other character.
Over all, you can find better turn one allies, but
he IS a cheap protector, and some decks need that.
Sealed: 4/5 He's cheap, he's a protector, and he has
damage prevention. Lots of things are better in
sealed, and I think Korthas is.
Constructed: 3/5 He can find a place in a few decks
that want to make it later in the game. Early on
protectors can stall the game for a turn or two
more, just enough to get where you want.
Casual: 3/5 Here, he's slightly more likey to get
played that constructed, just cuz in Casual people
will play there crazy/fun decks that don't really
NEED to win.
Raid (Onyxia): 2/5 He's OK here, but not going to
survive long enough to be useful. Find someone else,
someone more offensive (Unless you are tanking).
Brian Foster
Hello all and
welcome to Protector's week....a day late sorry :OP
tap->Prevent the next 1 damage that would be dealt
to target hero or ally this turn.
Okay, so for this guys cost he has pretty standard
stats. His ablity is okay, would be alot
better if you could use it with a little more
suprise, still ya might be able to use it to mess
up how your opponet wants to kill things early game.
Sealed: 3/5 Cheap and might keep something else
(maybe itself) alive early game so you can get
better on the board
Constructed: 2/5 to many other things that cost the
same, that are better to play in this format
Casual: 2/5 same here
Raid: 1/5 won't live long enough to make a