Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 06.01.07
Red Comet
Field Commander
This is a great card as it makes any ally you drop a
protector and has the stats to stick around for
quite some time. Fact is late game is when you need
protectors and making all your allies fit that role
is awesome
If you can get dedicated healers set up this guy
will be tough to kill. The cost is a bit high but
when you need him 7 won't seem to high. I'd probably
use him in Druid where you can summon allies a bit
faster and you'll be able to heal with abilities as
well as allies.
Protector, All other allies in your party have
Wow. Just wow. I've never seen this guy before. On
top of the pretty cool artwork, he's a solid card.
Olinnae here is kinda expensive at 7 cost, but
giving all other allies Protector can be crazy cool.
And he's a beast to boot. 6/5 isn't horrible at 7
cost. Because of his ability, he can be a tank, or
he can let others Protect while he dishes out some
heavy hits. His only real drawback is that he's a 7
cost. This puts him out kinda late in the game.
Sealed: 3/5 If the game goes long enough to get this
dude out, he's gonna smack someone around hard and
help keep you alive for the rest of the game.
Constructed: 3/5 Again, he's late game. But if you
get him out, he can be a MAJOR help.
Casual: 4/5 Playing casual means that games will
most likely run longer, as you aren't always going
to be playing an "I need to win fast" deck. Here,
he'll be a fun card to drop on turn 7.
Raid (Onyxia): 4/5 Late in the game, in a warrior or
Pally deck, this guy will give you what you need to
protect against all those pain in the butt whelps.
Brian Foster
Commander Olinnae
Cost: 7
Health: 5
<All other
allies in your party have protector>
this guy is a
6/5 for 7, alright stats for the cost, but what
I really like is his ability to make all other
allies in your party have protector, if you like
control this guy gives it to you.