The point at which this guy is useful is pretty late
in the game.
In an optimal situation he'd get a +5 boost but
that's not gonna happen that often.
In most cases he's gets a + 2 or + 3 and is perhaps
the first ally that can be killed by Sunder Armor
Skip it unless you only play casual even then you
might not want to run it
Constructed: 2/5
Raid: 1/5
Whoohoo! Alliance
Week! Stormwind FTW!
Steelsmith Joseph Carroll (Alliance)
1 cost Ally- Human Warrior, 1 ATK (melee), 1 Health
Steelsmith Joseph Carroll has +1 ATK and +1 Health
for each equipment you have.
Hmm... for the start of Alliance week, we get a low
cost Ally. I'm not particularly fond of this guy.
1/1 for 1 is amazingly mediocre, and his bonus is
based on equipment you have. He's easy to kill early
game, and unless you are running REALLY equipment
heavy, he won't be of much use. The only real
benefit I can see is if you have alot of equipment
in play and you play several copies of him in one or
two turns.
In a raid, he may be slightly more useful, in a
Warrior or a Pally tank deck, where you will proably
have 2 hands worht of equipment, and possibly
several pieces of armor. Most of the time, though,
he won't reach more than 4/4 or 5/5, I don't think.
Sealed: 1/5 I see him as next to useless here, as
you most likely won't see alot of equipment.
Constructed 2/5
Casual 3/5 (Some crazy player will make an all-
equipment deck just to play this guy...)
Raid: 2/5
We’ve got some
Alliance allies for you this week, staring with
Steelsmith Joseph Carroll.
Steelsmith Joseph Carroll
Alliance / Human Warrior
Cost: 1
Attack: 1
Health: 1
Effect: Steelsmith Joseph Carroll has +1 ATK and +1
health for each equipment you have.
Are you serious?
The decks you would use him in, namely warriors,
paladins, and hunters, already have allies
tailor-made for their class play-styles. While
Alliance warriors might not have Rak Skyfury, they
get Galway Steamwhistle, and a warrior deck isn’t
going to run a lot of allies as it is, if any.
Hunters are playing either to rush or to solo.
Hunter rush doesn’t really use equipment outside of
Krol Blade, and solo, well, you’re in an different
ballgame entirely.
Paladins will probably see the most use out of this
card, but even then, it’s really not going to get
over +1 or +2 ATK/health anyway. With the chance to
run low-drop Untargetables instead, I see no reason
why you would run Steelsmith over the likes of
Apprentice Merry.
Sealed: 1/5 – Cards that rely on other cards to be
useful are the least-desired in this format.
Constructed: 2/5 – Could see use in a Paladin deck,
but even then, it’s still iffy.
Casual: 3/5 – There are better allies, but I’m sure
you could test him out in an equipment-heavy build.
Raid: 1/5 – Like he’d survive long enough to get a
use out of the equipment you’re lucky to keep in
First off this
week is SJC. He has the right cost at one resource.
His ability makes him very good in Warrior/Pally/Hunter
decks that use a significant amount of equips. If
you have just two equipment then SJC will have 3/3
for one resource.
SJC makes for a pretty good late game card, but he
is very mediocre in the early game.
Sealed: 1 out of 5 - This is assuming you only get a
few equips. There are better guys to play.
Constructed: 3 out 5 - In a deck with a lot of
equips you could get good advantage out of the cost
of this ally.
Casual: 3 out of 5 - It could be fun to see how
strong you can get SJC.
Raid: 1 out of 5 - He might kill a whelp or two but
that is about it.
Steelsmith Joseph
Cost 1
Alliance Ally Human Warrior
Steelsmith has +1 Att and +1 Health for each
equipment you have.
Ok I’m back took a week off for personal stuff and
now onto this lovely card.
Ok this is an ally for the ages he does a great many
things and all of them are good. First off he is
mister mediocre if you drop him all by his lonesome,
but you can force your opponent to use a damage
spell on him early before he gets huge. The other
thing he is a monster if you’re dropping him late
game when there are 4-6 equipments in play. A 1 drop
for a 6/6 is needless to say a great deal.
He really only works in equipment heavy decks but
when you sit down and think about the equipment you
use in your deck most decks sport maybe 2-3 types of
equipment and even warlocks could use this guys
services. Paladins and Warriors should be sporting 4
in each deck, make your opponent regret placing that
ally removal down as a resource. Late game in a
Warrior deck this guy can be from 8-10 large and for
a 1 drop that’s just insane.
Sealed (2): Only reason he isn’t stronger here is
equipment are rare and uncommon and you won’t see
enough to make him really good but if you draw 4-5
equipment I would consider playing him.
Constructed (4): He has a place in equipment heavy
decks if you have 4 equipment out he is a 4/4 for 1
and that’s just a good deal.
Casual (5): This is a fun card to play with, play
with as many different equipments as possible and
see how big you can get him.
Raid (4): A really good deal if you hold him and
drop him late game. Could be worth a lot of damage
if he just hits once, only reason he isn’t a rating
of 5 is dragons have so much removal allies die
quickly and your armor doesn’t hang around long
enough for this guy to be come insanely large.
Lazy Peon (4): For the paladins and warriors this is
a great option as your token ally, no longer will
Parvink be all alone in armor heavy decks.