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Warcraft TCG
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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.20.07
aka Warchief Thrall
Hunter Pet
Cost: 2
Attack: 4
Health: 3
At the start of your turn, destroy Scraps unless you
remove an ally card in any graveyard from the game.
Scraps is a great new Hunter Pet, and it’s going to
challenge Hootie for the 2 cost spot in a Hunter
At first I didn’t think this card would be useful
since you had to remove an ally from your graveyard
at the start of your turn. But after reading it
again, I’m liking it a lot more because it says any
graveyard instead of only your own.
So don’t be surprised if your going to see Scraps
popping up in the Hunter Rush/Control decks out
At the start of your turn, destroy Scraps unless you
remove an ally card in any graveyard from the game.
First of, I'd like to
appologize for missing last week and yesterdays
card... life has once again taken a hectic turn.
Enough about me, you are heard for cards... :)
Scraps is pretty crazy cool. 4/3 for 2 and all you
have to do is make sure that there are ally cards in
graveyards to get rid of? Not as hard as it may
Sealed: 2/5 Hard to keep the upkeep here.
Constructed: 4/5 This is crazy cool for a hunter.
Defninetly a pet worth playing.
Casual: 4/5 This cards play value is huge in
multiplayer, where there are plenty of graveyards to
choose from.
Raid: 4/5 Same as wth Casual... there are alot of
other players to take ally cards from. :)
This card has got great stats for a
pet. 2 cost 4- 3?!?!?! I mean that looks like a
misprint doesn’t it? What’s the catch? At the start
of your turn you must remove any ally from any
graveyard from play. WHAT?? How is that a catch?
That’s far more broken than yesterday’s card. So
let me get this straight UDE- I get a card with
better stats than any other 2 drop in the game with
an effect that requires me to rape my opponent’s
graveyard (provided I’m not playing against a solo
deck), and we get this card in only the 4th
you’re telling me in the next set we’re going to get
a 2 cost 5-4 ally that also does burn damage or has
a free resurrection effect or something? I mean
come on. We seem to be getting awfully powerful
cards in the game awfully early in its life aren’t
On the other hand, at least this card
dies when attacked by any other 2 drop with 3
attack. I guess that’s something to smile about if
you’re playing against a hunter. Ooooooo I know,
use a warlock and run yesterday’s card. Just forget
about all the cards that came before them.