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English Card Unavailable
At the Current Time. This appears
to be the card art from foreign cards
on eBay
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.21.07
aka Warchief Thrall
Warlock Pet
Cost: 5
Attack: 6
Health: 6
Demonology Hero Required Protector
Protectors are good, everybody knows that. A 6/6
protector that only costs 5 is also a good thing.
The only problem is, can you squeeze it in your deck
since it’s a pet?
I personally don’t think it’s going to see a lot of
play, since Infernal and Sarmoth are still going
strong in the warlock decks.
But Haaron sure has potential and may proof me
Holy ouch... or
rather, unholy ouch. 6/6 for 5. If you are playing
a Demonology warlock, you run this guy. Simple
enough. No combos or anything. This guy is just
cheap beats.
Sealed: 4/5 If you get this guy, he may be a reason
top lay a demonology hero.
Constructed: 4/5 For a demonology Hero, this guy is
too good to not play.
Casual: 4/5 good card, but not really "fun". Rated
high just cuz hes big and good.
Raid: 4/5 6/6 Prot for 5.. nuff said.
Big demon for Warlocks. Restricted
to demonology heroes but is a protector with big
stats. That’s it. Not much more to him, except
when you run the other cards in the set that give
demons a bonus just for being demons.