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Warcraft TCG
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Card Number -
Card Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.08.07
Great-Father Winter
More jank-tastic power. Giving your opponent Pugg is
the only thing I can think of using this guy for in
constructed, which doesn’t really merit him (or Pugg)
a slot in any deck.
0 >> Target player gains control of target ability,
ally, or equipment you control. Use only one per
Um... still cool, but about as useless as
yesterdays card. Has some use in team multiplayer
and Raid, but thats about it. Its Santa- Orc!!!!
Sealed: N/A
Constructed: 2/5 He's a 3/4 for 4. Not bad, but
not amazing either.
Casual: 3/5 Fun to play, not really useful.
Raid: 3/5 See yesterdays review.
A Horde 4 cost 3, 4, that lets you
move cards from the field to other player’s fields
for nothing. Like yesterday’s card, this one is
mostly for 2v2 battles or bigger. BUT- I feel this
card is a little better having a bigger attack, and
having some effect in 1v1 games as well. When this
card was previewed, the article mentioned a few nice
combos, one of them being to give your opponent a
Pugg. You could also give them an ally so that your
Sus’vayin could get his effect off, but that doesn’t
seem very profitable.