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The Abominable
Card Number -
Card Rating:
Sealed: DNA
Constructed: 4.15
Casual: 4.67
Raid: 4.15
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.09.07
The Abominable Greench
Control power on a stick. This guy will win many a
game, since if the opponent doesn’t have an answer
when he hits the board, they better hope they have a
filter quest (Zapped Giants, One Draenei’s Junk etc)
because there’s no way they’ll draw into an answer.
Fear turn 9, people.
Constructed 5/5
Casual 5/5
Raid 5/5
aka Warchief Thrall
The Abominable Greench
Faction: Neutral
Cost: 9
Attack: 7
Health: 5
If an opponent would draw a card, you draw one
This is the best card IMHO of this Christmas set.
Just drop it to the field and let it do his thing,
starting the next turn of your opponent.
Hand- and Field advantage into one card.
I am curious what happens if both players have one
on the field.
If an opponant would draw a card, you draw one
Oh, yeah. Here we go. He's big and has a
great ability. I like Greench here alot.
Sealed: N/A
Constructed: 3/5 If you are looking for Beef, this
guy is it.
Casual: 4/5 Playable, and fun! JOY!
Raid: 3/5 Greench here can be a finishing blow on
ONy or other bosses.
A Neutral 9 cost 7, 5 that has a win
condition effect. Your opponent doesn’t get to draw
cards any more while this is on the field. You draw
a card instead. Basically, you lock your opponent
out of his deck, except for quests that don’t draw,
like Kibler’s, Zapped Giants, One Draenei’s Junk,
I expect this card to sell for a lot,
and I expect stall deck players to think very hard
about putting this card in their deck instead of
Magni or Saurfang. I like it, but don’t want to go
up against it.