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Warcraft TCG
Card of the Day On our
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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 10.01.07
Ok everyone. Worlds are right around the corner
(starting November 29th for last chance qualifiers I
believe) and there are no cards that will be added
to the pool. So if you’re looking for some way to
break the meta, I’d like to suggest that you try an
approach that saves you resources. I picked the
cards for this week because I want to show you
another way to try and get advantage over your
opponent other than card advantage. We will not be
reviewing ShadowFiend this week even though that
card can save you multiple resources in a turn. I
expect we’ll look at a priest rush deck soon, so I
left it for that week of reviews. Although I do
mention a cool combo with it on Friday’s review.
The point with Resource Savers is that if you’re
using less resources than your opponent to do the
same thing, then you’ve got extra power available to
do more things, like complete more quests and get
more card advantage. That’s something your opponent
may not be ready to deal with.
On to Stellaris:
Axe Weapon for Hunter, Paladin, Shaman, Warrior.
Exhaust an ally and pay 1 less to strike with
Stellaris. It’s a good 2 cost 3-2 weapon, and if you
exhaust 2 allies, you can strike for free. If you’re
one of those tank-like players that goes with solo
weapon smashing and such, this is a good one-handed
weapon you can duel-wield. You can beef it up with
the standard weapon pumpers and work the attack up
to 5 or 6 pretty easily. But what about the effect?
Should this weapon replace your wraith scythe or
some other weapon?
Well that depends on your allies and other cards in
your deck. If you are going to replace Wraith Scythe
with it, you won’t be healing, but you could be
saving resources for other cards. You could play a
field clearing ability that might tap yourself out.
But that won’t matter if you can exhaust a couple of
allies. If you have a couple of survivors on the
field to rescue, you could exhaust them to make
Stellaris cheaper when you strike. Or in an Alliance
deck, use Wisp, or you could summon Unen Rataan, 2
cost ally where you pay 2- destroy him and ready
your hero and all your weapons, then exhaust him to
swing for less with Stellaris, then pay 2- destroy
Unen, ready everything, and swing again.
No, we will not be giving out books of coupons, but
we will be reviewing some of the best cards in the
game that save you resources!
I must say, this card has me less than enthused. a 2
cost Weapon with a 3 Attack power isn't bad, nor is
a strike cost of 2. My problem resides with it's
effect. Sure, I can exhaust an ally to turn this
Stellaris into a 1 Strike Cost weapon, but wouldn't
I rather just attack with my ally, or keep my
protector ready for my opponent's next turn?
What's worse is that the effect only modifies the
strike cost of the weapon the NEXT time you use it,
so if you drop a Skyfury, you will have to pay the
full strike cost when you swing it again.
Overall, there are way better cards to help cheapen
the cost of playing your cards.
3/5 - a pretty solid weapon, even if it's effect is
less than stellar