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Pojo's World of Warcraft TCG
Card of the Day
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Holy Shield


Card Number - HOA-70

Card Rating:

Sealed: 3.50
Constructed: 3.87
Casual: 3.87
Raid: 3.25

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 11.02.0


aka Warchief Thrall
Holy Shield

Instant Ability
Cost: 2
Class: Paladin

Protection Hero Required
Prevent the next 5 damage that would be dealt to your hero by target hero or ally this turn. When damage is prevented this way, your hero deals that amount of holy damage to that character.

This is one of the better abilities a paladin can use to save themselves.
Low cost, big effect, what can you want more?

Sealed: 3/5
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 4/5
Raid: 2/5

Holy Shield (Paladin)

2 cost, Instant Ability- Protection Talent

Protection Hero Required

Prevent the next 5 damage that would be dealt to your hero by target ally this turn.  When damage is prevented this way, your hero deals that amount of hold damage to that character.

In short, stop up to 5 damage to an ally and smack that ally for the same amount of damage at the same time.  Great way to pop an ally, and since its instant speed, you can do it after they've declared an attack.  Yay!

Sealed: 4/5  Great way to save your own butt and get rid of one of those pesky Ally cards....

Constructed: 4/5  This is a great pally card.  I don't know why its not in MY paladin deck.  Wait, yes I do... I DON'T HAVE ANY.  But I digress.  Holy Shield is great.

Casual: 4/5  Still a good card in casual, but nothing really 'fun' about it.

Raid: 4/5  If your Pally is the tank for the raid, this card can be pretty good.  If your Pally is the HEALER for the raid, its not bad either, since any good Raid Boss player will attempt to wipe out the Healer if they can get around the tank...

This is an awesome 2 cost card for paladins. You can protect up to 5 damage meant for your hero and deal that many back to that character. So that could be a ten point switch for a cost of only 2. This only protects heros though, not allies. This card frustrated me at WOW’s first regional event. I got my hands on 4 furys and ran with hunter. I ran smack into a solo paladin deck maining 4 of these. Repeatedly, I said, “Fury attacks for 5,” and my opponent would say, “Holy Shield again,” so Fury dies for 2. Needless to say, I lost that one.

Constructed: 3.5
Sealed: 3.5
Casual: 3.5
Raid: 3.5



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