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Date Reviewed - 10.05.07
My FAVORITE card. This is the card that got me into
my first top 8. I ran Litori with 3 Diplomacy, about
34 allies, and a lot of card drawing so I could just
rush a ton of allies onto the field and overwhelm my
opponent. Worked Great.
This is a human only 3 cost ability that says you
pay 1 less to play allies to a minimum of 1. But how
do you get the most out of it?
Well in Deck construction, I think you should play
to rush your opponent with 1, 2, & 3 cost allies.
This card will cut the cost of a 2-cost ally in ˝,
and a 3-cost ally by 1/3. That is a huge savings
over time. Once you drop Diplomacy, you need to
summon 3 allies with cost 2 or more to break even
with it, but that’s easy. I’ve found that opponents
never want to blow up Chipper to destroy Diplomacy
because they don’t see it as a threat, but that’s a
mistake and here’s why.
In a control Litori deck on say on turn 5, you might
play Parvink for 3, and then save 2 for
counter-spell or a quest. But with Diplomacy, you
can pay 2 to summon Parvink, pay 1 to play Jeleane
for example, and still have 2 ready for counterspell.
Now you’ve got an extra ally on the field and can
protect them from say, chain lightning. In a control
deck, you’d only get Parvink on the field, but with
Diplomacy, you can get that extra attacker out there
for the next turn which Parvink can protect.
When do you play it? I never play it on turn 3. In
this game, you don’t want to miss an ally drop at
all, so just drop a 3 out there on turn 3, then on
turn 4 you can drop Diplomacy and have 1 left over
for Jeleane or Latro, or any 1-cost ally.
AND- Here is an awesome combo. You can get more out
of Shadowfiend as well. That’s the Priest only
2-cost 3-1 ally with ferocity that lets you ready a
resource when it hits the opposing hero, and returns
to your hand at the end of turn. In an Alliance
Human Priest deck with Zenith, you can drop
Diplomacy on turn 4, pay 1 to play Shadowfiend and
hit the opposing hero, then ready that same resource
and drop a 2-cost on the field for 1. That’s the
ultimate combo in resource saving and the reason I
saved this card for Friday. On turn 4, you’d save 1
when playing Shadowfiend, get 1 back when it hits,
and save another 1 when you summon a 2-cost ally.
That’s playing 3 cards on turn 4 that would
otherwise have a total cost of 7 !!! Then do it
again every turn after that.
At Worlds, I expect we’ll see a lot of Horde Priest
Rush with Omedus. I think we can find a way to
counter that with Alliance Priest Control with
Diplomacy. You can get a lot of protectors out there
with the control side of things, and still have
Shadowfiend to attack with essentially for FREE with
Diplomacy on the field, every time you hit the hero.
Good luck coming up with your own resource saving
techniques to break the meta at Worlds. If you think
of any more, PM me here on Pojo.
Diplomacy is one of those cards that can inspire a
decktype all on it's own.
The only thing that has kept Diplomacy from being
used is it's requirement of a Human Hero. And yet,
I'm amazed that I haven't seen (as yet) a Deacon
Hallow build that abuses both Diplomacy and A
Missing Diplomat (for Shadowfiend) and Manhunt with
Mind Vision!
Being able to lower the cost of your Allies by 1 can
make a huge impact, especially when you consider the
fact that Parvink will only cost you 2, Chipper only
1, and good 'ol Leeroy comes in at a sweet cost of
An Alliance Priest deck running Diplomacy is a
ticking bomb in my opinion, and it's only a matter
of time until someone Top 8's with it!
3/5 - it limits you to a Human Hero, but cheaper
Allies are a goo thing.
3/5 - you build your deck around this card.
4/5 - you could give those higher cost Allies a try
1/5 - it just won't last long against ability