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When Smokey
Sings, I get Violent
Card Number -
Card Rating:
Sealed: 1.67
Constructed: 2.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.10.07
When Smokey Sings, I get Violent
During your turn, destroy When Smokey Sings, I get
Violent and pay 5 to complete this quest.
Reward: Target opponent destroys one of his
Holy crap. Wowzers.
All that god stuff. Pay 5, sac a resource, destroy
a resource. This is pretty crazy. Obviously, this
card won't find a home in EVERY deck, but if you are
playing a deck that doesn't require a high amount of
resources to run, this card should find its way into
Sealed: 2/5 A bit too risky to play in sealed, as
you'll be losing a resource too.
Constructed: 4/5 If you are playing a fast deck
that doesn't need more than 4 or 5 resources, this
card is great. Assuming your opponent is playing a
slower deck, you can slow it down even more. :)
Casual: 4/5 In multiplayer casual, you'll have
plenty of time to get the resources that you'll
need, and with this card, you can really mess your
opponent up.
Raid: 3/5 In Onyxia, this won't be too helpful,
but in MC, when the bosses only have a few turns to
get resources, this'd be great.
Personally, I don’t like hardly any
of the new quests in FOO. Some of the commons are
ok, but the rares just don’t seem to have the pop
that a rare should have.
Enter popless quest #1. When Smokey
Sings, I get violent.
This one costs you 5 resources,
during your turn only, and you have to destroy this
quest. Then your opponent destroys one of their
own? Basically you both destroy a resource, but you
have to exhaust 5 to make that happen. I don’t see
this quest as making it into any tournament winning
deck. Why give your opponent the chance to put a
big ally that he resourced into his graveyard so he
can Chase it back to his hand?
The ONLY combo for this right now is
with Morlug Soulslaver that does 1 damage when you
destroy one of your resources. Awful for
Sealed: 2.0
Constructed: 1.0
Casual: 2.5
Raid: 4.0
Might shine here, especially later in MC raid.
When Smokey
Sings, I Get Violent
I don't get this card to be frank. Essentially you
have to pay 5 during your turn, destroy this card (a
resource), all to force your opponent to destroy one
of their resources.
The question that troubles me is: why? What's the
point? The only situation that I can think of to do
this would be when you have more resources then your
opponent, in which case, why would you worry about
destroying theirs?
Sealed, Constructed, Casual and Raid: 1/5 across the