Pojo's World of
Warcraft TCG
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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.17.07
This guy is
an absolute machine in sealed, but in
constructed I just don’t see it replacing Hootie.
Hootie essentially does the same thing, but
applies the -1 combat damage to everything, at
the cost of 1 health.
Sealed 5/5
Casual 3/5
Raid 1/5
w00t! I survived
my birthday week! On to the cards! Please forgive
any typo's... I gots a new keyboard.
Shell (Neutral)
Ally- Turtle, Pet (1)
2 cost, 2 ATK (Melee), 3 Health
If Shelly would be dealt combat damage, prevent 1 of
that damage.
Well, this one is kinda interesting. 2/3
for 2, and she has some damage reduction. DR is
nice. She cheap with decent stats, making her
pretty playable in my opinion. I'm guessing its a
her... Shelly isn't exactly a boy name normally...
Sealed: 4/5 If you play a hunter, and you see
Shelly, nab her. Solid stats for cheap is always
good in sealed.
Constructed: 3/5 Not the best card in the game, but
I can't stress enough that she is a solid critter
for 2 resources.
Casual: 4/5 Kill them with a turtle. Now THAT's
fun. :)
Raid: 2/5 You definitely need a better ally than
this. ONe with protector, or a more offensive
ability. Sorry, Shelly.
Hunter pet. Stats are good at
2-2-3, which gives it more health than cost.
That’s good. The effect is to simulate the
defense of its hard shell and skin, so you
prevent 1 combat damage. So theoretically, this
card would have to take combat damage of 4 to be
killed in the first attack. If it takes 2 or 3,
it will survive to fight another ally. So you
could almost guarantee yourself a 2 for 1
against a rush deck. Not bad, but against a
Kulvo, you won’t be attacking with Shelly.