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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.18.07
The blue version of the Guardians. With a
massive 4 health this guy will almost always be
a 2-for-1. At the very least he will stop the
opponent attacking for a few turns while they
find an answer.
As a 3-drop,
the question arises: will this guy replace
Parvink as the turn 3 protector? They are both
+1 protectors. Parvink is more for card
advantage (the draw), while Kulvo is more for
board presence (he will kill 2 dudes, Parvink
only 1). So I don’t think Kulvo will replace the
trusty gnome in all instances. In some control
decks that want to stifle a rush deck’s field,
Kulvo will be the weapon of choice. But decks
that want to put out dudes without running out
of gas will still go for Parv.
Sealed 5/5
Casual 5/5
Raid 4/5
Jadefist (Alliance)
3 cost, 4 ATK, 4 Health
Ally- Dwarf Warrior
When Kulvo Jadefist attacks, he gets -2 ATK and -2
Health this turn.
Ah, I remember seeing this guy in a pack
not to long ago, and frankly, I like him. he is
obviously more of a "I think I"ll just sit here and
wait for you to attack" kinda ally, and his 4 ATK
can sometimes be enough to scare off opponants who
have a few weak guys out.
Sealed: 4/5 Solid protector who can kill decent
sized allies if he defends, cheap... play him. :)
Constructed: 3/5 Since you can't attack with him
without big penelties, you can just sit him as a
deffender. But no offense can really hurt.
Casual: 4/5 I think Kulvo here is a VERY fun card
to play, and thats what casual is for.
Raid: 4/5 In a raid, Kulvo can dish out some solid
beats when he is on the recieving end of an attack,
and as a deffender, you can use him as a nice meat
Maybe the best non-epic
protecting ally of the new set. Good companion
to Parvink I think.
Stats are Protector, 3-4-4, but
-2 to each if he attacks. This card is a beast
to get rid of. He is almost always a 2 for 1
when used for protecting only. If you attack
with him initially, he can only take 1 damage,
but at least you have the option if you want.
Not many combos with him, just
summon and let him absorb a couple attacks.