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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.19.07
This pumped up
Taz’Dingo is a hero in sealed. The 2 damage is
brutal, and having long-range means the opponent has
to find an answer for him, or else he’ll start
putting out even more free damage. Played right,
Hurlorn should always be a 2-for-1 or better.
In constructed, I
don’t know if he’ll see play, as there are already
plenty of excellent 4-drops for Horde. In the
control deck that I’d say he is best suited to,
Hurlorn is competing with the monstrous Guardian
Steppestrider and the ever efficient Thunderhead
Hippogryph. Further, his 2 damage becomes less
effective with the abundance of Untargetables.
Constructed 3/5
Sealed 5/5
Casual 4/5
Raid 3/5
Battlechaser (Horde)
4 cost, 2 ATK (Ranged), 1 health
Long- Range (Defenders deal no combat damage to this
When Hurlorn Battlechaser enters play, he deals 2
damage to target hero or ally.
I'm kinda torn on this guy. On the one
side, he's direct damage for any Horde deck, and he
has long range. On the other hand, he's a 2/1 for
4. This is very low stats for a 4 cost, and its
hard for me to suggest playing him. If he were an
INSTANT ally, which he is not, I'd have better to
say about him. But in general, I think he's just
too expensive.
Sealed: 4/5 In Sealed, you can get some good use
out of this guy. The format is naturally slower
than constructed, and his ability to do 2 to an ally
right off can make a huge difference in your game.
Constructed: 2/5 Its hard for me to suggest this
guy over other allies of the same, or even lower,
costs. I'm sure he has is place, just not in my
decks. :)
Casual: 3/5 SLightly better than Constructed
because he has long range, and thats fun. :)
Raid: 1/5 Yeah, pretty much useless here. Nuff
I Don’t know about this guy.
Stats are 4-2-1 with 2 effects. Long-range, and
deals 2 to target Hero or Ally when summoned.
The automatic 2 damage is nice and may get an
ally out of the way, but then you’re left with a
2-1 ally. It has long-range, but so what. I
don’t know why, but UDE seems to think that
Long-Range is very powerful because they keep
making allies with substandard stats, but which
have long-range. I don’t think it’s that
powerful, especially in an ally with 1 health.
This one doesn’t have ferocity, so any damage
card can kill it before it gets to attack, and
it will take damage if it gets attacked. If
long-range applied to all combats, then yes, it
would be powerful, but otherwise, I don’t know
of any tourney winning decks that rely on
long-range allies yet.
Sealed: 2.0
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 2.0
Long-Range is a great modifier in this game, and to
balance out the effect, cards that have Long-Range
often have very low stats.
Battlechaser is no exception, as his 2 ATK 1 Health
is pretty skimpy for a 4 cost Ally. His effect
however, more then makes up for low stats! Simply by
entering play, he deals 2 Ranged damage to a target
Hero or Ally!
2 is a magic number, because it kills off all the
weenies (Teep, Greybeard, Omerrta, Waz'luk) as well
as some of bigger nuisances like Parvink and Baranka.
After that, provided he lives, Hurlorn gets to
attack for 2 Ranged Damage each turn, killing
Protectors and damaging Heroes with abandon. Keeping
him alive might be a problem, but since he should
have already paid for himself by destroying an
opponent's Ally with his effect, you in essence will
break even!
3/5 - a bit low on stats, but since you likely have
little Ability base removal, his effect can come in
3/5 - an interesting card, his effect can help out
against alot of the rush decks out there. Just watch
out for Alliance-Untargetables!
3/5 - have fun!
2/5 - while Watcher Mal'wi is a much better choice,
this guy can at least take out a Minion/Whelp upon
being summoned. He might also be able to land a
killing blow on one of Molten Core's earlier bosses.