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Warcraft TCG
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Ongoing: While your hero is in bear form or cat
form, it has +2 ATK while attacking.
OK, so in Cat form,
your hero gets +1 ATK normally, with this, that
would cange to +3 ATK, but only while attacking.
That leaves you with 1 ATK to defend with. This is
kinda supposed to negate the use of weapons, as
using a weapon will make you lose Cat Form. The
upside is that you aren't paying the cost of the
weapon to strike every turn, but getting a decent
attack buff. The downside is the lack of decent ATK
when any ally attacks you.
Sealed: 2/5 This card is pretty much useless unless
you get some way to turn into a bear or cat also,
and the odds of getting one in Sealed? Slim at
Constructed: 3/5 I'm going to be honest and tell
you that I have no idea why I gave it a 3 out of
5... I just can't bring myself to give it anything
higher, and it really doesn't deserve anything
Casual: 4/5 In casual, a Cat or Bear form no- ally
deck could be pretty fun. :)
Raid: 3/5 Slightly better than yesterdays card, but
for the same reasons I say not great. Predatory
Strikes can be used with Bear form, and you can have
your bear tank in raids. Thats why its higher.
+2 while attacking in Cat or Bear Form. This Azeroth
rare had little use at first because bear decks were
non-existent. When Cat Form hit the scene, everyone
scrambled to see how many of these they had in their
card boxes. This is a 1 cost that gives your hero +2
attack while its on the field. Do you know how
awesome that is? It just sits there and stacks onto
itself with further copies whether your hero is in a
form or not. Of course you have to have a Feral hero
to use it. So use Telrander. With just Cat Form and
this alone, your hero has +3 attack on turn 2 and
every turn after that with one of these cards in
play. Just to dang powerful if the combo isn’t
Sealed: Not so good b/c you need cat or bear form to
use it. 1.5
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 4.5
Raid: 4.0
Predatory Strikes
If you are playing a Feral Druid deck, then here is
your money card.
For the low cost of 1 resource, you can add an
ongoing +2 to your attack while in Bear or Cat Form,
which gives your Cat Form a minimum attack of 3.
Want to boost it some more? Pay 1 resource and add
another copy of Predatory Strikes, increasing your
Druids attack to 5!
As you can see, you could easily pay a combined
total of 5 in a singe turn, add a Cat Form and three
Predatory Strikes, and then swing for 7 damage!
The only way this card could be made more powerful
would be if it was an Instant Ability.
5/5 - only if you have already drafted Cat Form into
your deck.
5/5 - this card is what makes Cat Form and Bear Form
decks so powerful.
5/5 - see constructed
5/5 - if you are running a Cat Form or Bear Form
deck against Onyxia or Molten Core, you need all the
ATK you can get!