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Pojo's World of Warcraft TCG
Card of the Day
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Snig Feralsnout


Card Number - FOO-186

Card Rating:

Sealed: 3.50
Constructed: 4.00
Casual: 4.25
Raid: 3.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 09.29.0


Snig Feralsnout
2 for 3/1 with Stealth is decent on its own. That it gets Ferocity when you have a Form is awesome. When Cat Form is online, this guy essentially becomes the Feral Druid's Wrath (3 damage for 2-cost burn spell).

Constructed 5/5
Sealed 4/5
Casual 5/5
Raid 3/5

aka Warchief Thrall

Snig Feralsnout

A 2 cost Horde Ally with 3 attack and 1 Health that has Stealth and Ferocity is nice, very nice.

It can take out a nasty protector, that would be blocking your hero’s attack.


I’m not going to say that this card is a must in a Druid deck, but it can be very useful to clear the field before the Big druid is going to strike.


This guy can be finkeled back to life, so recycling is possible.


You can even pick him with Drainei’s Junk, so all good points to use this card.


Sealed: 2/5
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 4/5
Raid: 1/5


See You on the Battlefield


Warchief Thrall

Hey, its mini-Leeroy!!!! I like this guy. He is a 2-3-1 with stealth, so protectors are meaningless for starters. But the best part of him is getting ferocity while your hero controls a form. This makes him a cheaper Veshral and kind of makes up for the 1 health because if he didn’t have ferocity (and you could play him in any deck just to get the 3 attack for a 2 drop), then the 1 health would make it difficult to keep him on the field for a turn before attacking.

So stick him in a Cat Form deck, and let all four copies attack your opponent like a pack of wild Leeroys.

Sealed: 3.0
Constructed: 3.0
Casual: 3.0
Raid: 3.0
turkeyspit Snig Feralsnout

The only Ally we are reviewing for this weeks selection, but it should be obvious why he was added to the list.

When the list of cards for FOO was announced, this guy stood out like a sore thumb for Feral Druid decks.

A 2 cost Ally with 3 ATK and 1 Health isn't bad, and Stealth makes it somewhat decent. The real power though is when you have a Form card in play (Cat Form, Bear Form, etc.) this guy gains Ferocity. Being able to attack quickly and AROUND your opponent's protectors is amazing, and all for only 2 resources!

If you were wondering on whether to play Alliance or Horde, Snig gives you a solid reason to play the latter.


Sealed, Constructed, Casual and Raid:
5/5 - if you play Feral Druid, you run 4 of this card!



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