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Warcraft TCG
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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.04.07
Chain Lightning
Easily one of the best abilities in the game, Chain
Lightning is one of the reasons Shaman is such a
strong force in the metagame. A potential 3 for 1,
Chain Lightning is a card to be feared on turn 5,
forcing a savvy player to work around it, while
punishing anyone stumbling into it with a board full
of weenies.
In my opinion, it's real power lies in the fact that
the second and third damage packets do not target.
That's right: the 2 and 1 damage can hit
untargetables. Strange but true, and very useful.
Until recently, I would have said without a doubt
that Chain Lightning was the best (removal) ability
in the game. It's powerful, versatile, and not over-costed.
But FOO brings us one card which we'll be looking at
later in the week which I think might take the cake
as best removal...
Constructed 5/5
Sealed 5/5
Casual 5/5
Raid 4/5
Chain Lightning (Shaman)
5 Cost Ability- Elemental
Your hero deals 3 nature damage to target hero or
ally. Your hero may deal 2 nature damage to another
hero or ally. Your hero may deal 1 damage to
another hero or ally.
5 cost for a non-
instant ability that can do a grand total of 6
damage. This can be a great way to clear off
several ally cards. There really isn't much to say
about it. 5 can be a bit expensive sometimes, but
this card can clear the way for a few of your allies
to deal some real damage.
Sealed: 4/5 If you want to play a Shaman in sealed,
this card will be a huge help.
Constructed: 3/5 A solid card in constructed. Not
over powerful, but far from the weakest card you'll
Casual: 3/5 There is little more fun in casual
than just wiping out a few of your opponents
Raid: 3/5 In Onyxia, you can clear off a few
Whelps. In MC, you can clear off a few Allies.
This could be a life saver in either raid, but not
the best card.
plays WOWTCG should know this card. Without it, I
don’t believe shamans would have any chance at
placing high in competitions.
It is a potential 3 for 1 card. It does 3, 2, & 1
damage in that order, but the first 3 must connect
for you to do the last 2 and 1. Also, while the
first 3 targets an ally, the 2 and 1 do not, so you
can use them to hit untargetable allies.
Personally I hate this card when I don’t run shaman.
When you play against it, it governs your play
style. You should never have more than 1 ally on the
field unless you have some other answer to interrupt
it. The alternative is to put 2 allies out there you
don’t care about and hope your opponent burns his
chain lightning before you put out the allies you do
care about.