Pojo's World of
Warcraft TCG
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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.05.07
Here it is. The new best (removal) ability in the
game. It's very simple. It costs 5 - the benchmark
of devastating AoE. It does 2 to all your opponent's
dudes. It gouges anything that survives. Better than
Chain Lightning in that it hits everything. Better
than Consecration in that it costs 1 less and gouges
And the damn Warlocks get it, as if they didn't
already have enough awesomeness in their arsenal.
Constructed 5/5 I would give it more than Chain
Lightning but Chain Lightning deserves 5
Sealed 5/5
Casual 5/5
Raid 5/5
Shadowfury (Warlock)
5 Cost Ability- Destruction Talent
Destruction Hero Required
Your hero deals 2 shadow damage to each opposing
ally. Exhaust each ally dealt damage this way, and
it can't ready during its controllers next ready
Bam... kick it up a
notch. I like Frost Nova, and this is a slower,
bigger version. The downsides to this card: its
not instant, and it requires a Destruction hero.
Oh, and the 5 cost can be kinda hefty. On the up
side, you can blow away a lot of little allies, and
those that don't get popped get frozen for a turn.
This can leave your opponant wide open for 2 turns,
if they can't play any allies to fill the gap.
Sealed: 4/5 This card can be the finishing blow
that'll put your opponant down for the game.
Constructed: 3/5 A bit expensive, and slow, but
devestating when used right.
Casual: 4/5 This is a very fun card, and powerful.
Read yesterdays for my thoughts on this kind of
Raid: 5/5 This card can totally shut down Onyxia
for a turn, and in MC, it can help get you through
to the next boss.
5 cost that deals 2 damage to each opposing ally.
Not the hero. Exhaust the ally and it can’t ready
for a turn. This card is great for Destruction
warlocks. It is a field wiping card on par with
chain lightning and consecration. It is not an
instant, so the exhausting trick only really helps
against protectors but so what. Whatever allies
survive can be kept at bay for a turn.