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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.06.07
Frost Funnel
The poor man's Frost Nova. It costs 1 less for a
very watered down version of the signature card from
the Mage's hey-day. It only hits 2 guys, and it
targets. If it only cost 2, it would be excellent.
At 3 it's okay, and will probably find a place in
solo Mage kinda decks if Frost Nova is out of their
price range.
Constructed 3/5
Sealed 4/5
Casual 4/5
Raid 4/5
Funnel (Mage)
3 Cost Instant Ability- Frost
Your hero deals 1 frost damage to each of up to two
target heroes and/or allies. A character dealt
damage this way can't attack this turn.
Um... no. This card costs 1 less than
Frost Nova, and has a fraction of the power. I'd
personally skip on it in almost any format other
than sealed. In sealed, this card can be great.
Sealed: 4/5 killing small allies or freezing larger
ones can be a life saver and a game winner in
Constructed: 2/5 While not totally useless, you can
find MUCH better for a 3 slot.
Casual: 2/5 This card doesnt' even get good marks
in casual from me... that should say something.
Raid: 1/5 Definitely find better stuff elsewhere.
Frost Funnel
Now we look at a piece of junk card. 3 cost that
deals 1 damage to two different targets heros/allies.
That character can’t attack this turn.
I believe this card was printed for sealed only
because it is wholly useless in constructed. Mages
have Frost Nova which is a 4 cost that does 1 damage
to all opposing heros and allies and none of them
can attack either. Why pay 1 less to hit 2 allies
when you can pay 1 more to hit all of them? Many
people will say that many times, the opponent only
has 1 or 2 allies on the field. So frost funnel is
better. I say no because it TARGETS. Against shamans
it might be ok so that you can hit a searing totem
with one damage, but that’s about it. Personally I’d
much rather run Nova over this and side deck four
fire blasts against a shaman.