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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.07.07
Force of Nature
At first glance this doesn't look like an AoE, but
when you think about it, this ability does 3 damage
divided as you choose to up to 3 non-Elusive
opposing characters. That's not bad: there's a
potential to 3-for-1.
But even better, this is an AoE that can help
trigger Defias. For 4 (1 more than Rescue) it brings
out 3 guys (1 more than rescue) who have ferocity.
Druids just got themselves a new toy.
Constructed 4/5
Sealed 5/5
Casual 5/5
Raid 4/5
Force of
Nature (Druid)
4 Cost Ability- Balance Talent
Balance Hero Required
Put three Treant ally tokens with 1 ATK, 1 Health,
and Ferocity into play.
Hey, now this card is kinda cute. For 4
resources, you get three 1/1 Ferocity allies. Sure,
they are weak, but its something. OK, so maybe this
card isn't broken, but it sure as heck is fun. :)
Sealed: 4/5 Three speedy allies for 4 cost is
pretty solid here.
Constructed: 3/5 Not great, but far from bad. This
could make for some interesting Druid decks.
Casual: 4/5 This card is decent for play value, and
quite fun to boot. And as I always say, Casual is
about the fun.
Raid: 2/5 Not really usefull in either raid.
Defenders are better than Ferocity, I think.
Force of Nature
This is a beautiful card for Balance Druids. It
seems tailor made for Yanna Dia’Shalan. This card is
a 4 cost that puts 3 1-1 ferocious tokens into play.
Yanna’s flip is pay 3 to damage an opposing target
ally equal to the number of allies in your party. It
also feeds Defias Brotherhood very well for alliance
decks. After you flip your hero to kill some
opposing ally, and then draw with Defias, you can
still attack with these things the same turn.
Coolness. If you’re running a form deck, you can use
them to clear the way for your hero.