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Warcraft TCG
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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.10.08
Rest and Relaxation
4 cost Ability
Ongoing: 1, activate, Exhaust two allies in your
party >> Draw a card.
This isn't too bad.
Its a pretty solid draw card for any class, any
faction. Sure, you need to exhaust 2 ally cards,
but hey... if you do it at the end of your opponents
turn, it works out well. :)
Sealed: 4/5 A little card advantage in sealed can
go a long way.
Constructed: 3/5 Solid. Not amazing, but
definitely usable.
Casual: 3/5 Same as Constructed... nothing
particularly "fun" about it.
Raid: 3/5 Not too bad here, especially if you have
an over- abundane of allies. Take advantage of it
while you can, as you might not have those allies
for long... :D
Phil Novikov
Rest and Relaxation
As far as you know, the
unwritten law about the card advantage is one of the
most important things in the trading card games.
Basically it says: the player who has more cards
both in hand and in play wins the game. So the card
we are looking at today gives you the much-needed
advantage, each of your turns. Paying (1) and
exhausting two of your allies is not a big cost to
draw a card
– just look at
the quests, they usually make you pay (2) and meet
some requirements (like playing an ally card the
turn you complete the quest, which is the case of
Hellfire Fortifications) to draw a card. Rest and
Relaxation is the neutral ability and can fit into
nearly every non-solo deck. The good thing to do is
to do is to use it with the small token allies you
get from the quests like "An OOX of Your Own" or
"Are We There, Yeti?". Moreover, exhausting an ally
is not always a big disadvantage –
you can use, for example, some Aldor allies that
"inspire" your allies and ready them during your
opponent’s turn.
Sealed: 5/5 I think
it’s just great. In the middle of the game and in
the late game this card can be very useful. Just pay
a cost of (1) and exhaust two relatively weak allies
to draw a much expected new card.
Constructed: 3/5 Solo
decks are have begun to invade the tournament scene,
so this card doesn’t see much play. Even in aggro
decks it’s not too playable since your opponents
will surely destroy it sooner or later.
Casual: 4/5 Pretty
good. As I have mentioned before, it’s very useful
with small allies that you have brought to game
earlier or with tokens.
Raid: 2/5 Hmm. Raid
bosses have plenty of removal (mass removal
included), so I don’t think you should put it into
your deck before going to Ony or MC.