Pojo's World of
Warcraft TCG
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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.xx.08
Echoes of the Shifting Sands
15 cost Ability
Each player reveals his deck, puts all revealed ally
cards into play, and the shuffles his deck.
Wow...can we say
expensive? If you are willing to dedicate 15 cards
of your deck to play this guy, you can find out who
has more Ally cards in there deck. This card could
either win or lose you the game when played. Fun,
but unless you are playing ALOT of big allies, VERY
Sealed: 1/5 Dedicating 15 cards to resources will
leave your minimum 40 card deck feeling VERY
drained... you probably won't have enough ally cards
to make this worth using.
Constructed: 3/5 Again, when you play this card, it
will determine who wins. Unless you are playing a
deck that has no allies and kills all ally cards in
play at once, you better hope you have more big
allies than your opponent does.
Casual: 5/5 Yes. If you have one of this card, you
may as well through it into your casual deck. Its
fun, and like I always say, that is what Casual is
Raid: 2/5 Nope. Raid bosses and Dragons have too
many ways to quickly wipe out ALL ally cards in
play. On the off chance that you can make it to 15
resources, your party should have already completed
the raid.
Phil Novikov
Echoes of the Shifting
First of
all, let me congratulate you with the 250th Card of
The Day here at Pojo’s Warcraft. For me it’s only
the third review and, as usual, I’m a little bit
late with it. Sorry for that!
The card we are
reviewing today is really epic. It has an epic
rarity, an epic cost and an epic effect. It shares
the title of the most expensive card in the game
with Rise to the Challenge and Fury of the Firelord
(which is a Ragnaros ability and cannot be counted
for a legal card for your deck). When you play it,
you can pull out of your deck ANY number of allies
and put them into play, and so does your opponent.
To make this card worth playing, you should be
prepared to benefit from it much more than your
opponent will do. The first requirement is the
number of the creatures in your deck
– it should be
big, that’s obvious. Ferocity may come in handy as
well –
just imagine playing Echoes of the Shifting Sands
and getting a lot of nice creatures with ferocity
that can deliver the final blows to your opponent!
Sealed : 1/5 This card
is the one that require you to build a deck around
it, and you wouldn’t be able to do it in sealed
both you and your opponent will most probably have
an equal number of creatures.
Constructed : 2/5 Too
slow, yes… But if you manage to live until the turn
when you can play it, you’ll be able to defeat your
opponent very fast.
Casual : 4/5 An epic
battle with a big pack creatures is going to be fun!
Raid : 1/5 I don’t
think so. Why? See constructed.