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Warcraft TCG
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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 03.11.08
3 Cost Alliance Ally-Protector
She is more potent in sealed than
constructed...there are better 3 drops that provide
protector and deal more damage than 1 melee. She has
somewhat of a large butt, perhaps 4+ resources could
be readied when she is dealt damage, but than what?
If you are tapped after playing her and on your
opponents turn he attacks in for less than fatal
damage to Lyss, you could ready resources to Shield
her with the Priest ability or other tricks like
that, perhaps Lady Kath will heal her complete for
another go next turn, but that is a lot of if's and
Sealed: 4/5 Protectors are good in sealed. There are
not a lot of instant abilities in sealed, if you are
out after you play her, you may not be able to
protect her for the next turn. She has a lot of
health, it may take two attacking allies to dispatch
Constructed: 2/5 Better 3 drops in the game.
Casual: 3/5 Better 3 drops in the game (sounding