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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 03.14.08
Druid ability 2 cost
3 damage for 2 cost, very efficient. It is not
instant, it is preventable, yet it deals a lot of
It is a balance ability which helps the Moonkin form
deck. Not a staple for the Druid deck, yet it could
help clear some protectors or assist in pouring on
damage to the opposing hero.
Sealed: 4/5 If Druid is your choice, this is a nice
common and should be in your deck.
Constructed: 3/4 Perhaps side deck material, there
are better 2 drop abilities in my opinion.
Casual: 3/5 Forms are what make Druids tick....in
casual formats it is fun to drop cat forms or bear
forms and pounce or bash your way to victory.
Raid: 3/5 3 damage is 3 damage...I believe there are
better 2 drops, but give it a try, if your team is
made up of tanks or healers, perhaps the Druid can
be the ground and pound, good luck with that