If I had a dollar for every Utopia form there was. Hello Pojo Readers, Crunch$G here to tell you about the second core booster set of 2021: Lightning Overdrive. This set releases some new support for the Utopia and ZW series of cards alongside some Rose Dragon cards, including the first evolution for Black Rose Dragon we’ve ever received. We also got a few new archetypes in here with Amazement and Branded and support for other archetypes recently received or from the more distant past. On the staple side of things we might be low, but we got a new form of an iconic card that was the cover of Light of Destruction back in 2008, alongside a Book of Moon “upgrade” of some sorts. There’s a lot to cover in this set, so with all the introduction out of the way, let’s get started.
The Starlights
As is tradition now, we got the five Starlight Rares of the set to serve as upgrades for the cards you could pull regularly, alongside a single throw-in from a past set. This time around, the throw-in Starlight is Black Rose Dragon to go alongside all the new Rose Dragon cards. As for the main set, you got probably the most obvious Starlights looking at the set list on paper with Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous and Live☆Twin Ki-sikil Frost to match the cards in the archetype that received the Starlight treatment. For your other Starlights, you got Book of Lunar Eclipse and Bahalutiya, the Grand Radiance to wrap out the set. Overall you got 2 Starlights that seemed standard and a really good bonus with Black Rose Dragon. Bahalutiya feels like a strange choice until you remember it’s probably meant to match Miradora from Blazing Vortex. Book of Lunar Eclipse, while there could of been better choices, at least respects the legacy of the Book cards.
Rank-Up Utopia Evolution
Now here we are to look at the new cards, starting with the cover theme of the set: Utopia. We got several support cards to help Utopia while making the ZW part more consistent and gaining a way to search Rank-Up-Magics in the Deck. ZW – Pegasus Twin Saber is a Level 5 LIGHT Beast that you can only control one of, can be Special Summoned from the hand if your LP is 2000 or more lower than the opponent’s, and can equip itself on the field to a Utopia for a 1000 ATK boost alongside the bonus Quick Effect to negate an activated effect of an opponent’s monster while Saber is equipped to said Utopia. ZS – Armed Sage is a Level 4 LIGHT Warrior who can be Special Summoned from the hand if the only monster
you control is a Level 4 and a Utopia monster that uses Armed Sage as material gains the effect that upon it being Xyz Summoned, you can add any ZW from the Deck to the hand. ZS – Ascended Sage is another Level 4 LIGHT Warrior who can be Special Summoned from the hand if you control no other cards and a Utopia monster that uses Ascended Sage as material gains the effect that upon it being Xyz Summoned, you can add any Rank-Up-Magic from the Deck to the hand. Ultimate Dragonic Utopia Ray is a Rank 5 LIGHT Warrior that needs 3 Level 5s to naturally summon, is always treated as Number
C39: Utopia Ray, has a once per turn Quick Effect when its targeted by a card or effect to equip a ZW from the hand or Deck to this card as if the ZW was equipped via its own effect, and an effect to detach a material to negate the effects of face-up cards the opponent controls for each ZW Monsters equipped to this card. ZW – Dragonic Halberd is another Rank 5, this time a DARK Dragon, who needs 2 Level 5s to summon, cannot attack directly, once per turn can detach a material to search any Zexal card from the Deck, can equip itself from the field to a Utopia for a 3000 ATK boost, and has the effect where if the equipped monster
destroys another monster in battle you can Special Summon any number of the ZWs equipped to that Utopia. Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force is a Normal Spell that targets an Xyz you control to use it and its Xyz Materials as material to summon a Utopia or ZW monster that’s 1 Rank higher than the target, then you take a ZW or ZS monster in your Deck and place it on top of your Deck, also if your opponent’s LP are at least 2000 higher than yours, you’ll gain the effect to banish this card from the grave to draw a card. Zexal Construction is a Normal Spell that lets you reveal a card in the hand and shuffle it into the Deck to search a ZW monster, ZS monster, Zexal Spell/Trap, or Rank-
Up-Magic Spell from the Deck. Zexal Entrust is a Normal Spell that lets you target a Utopia, ZW, or ZS monster in your graveyard to either add it to your hand or Special Summon it, also if your opponent’s LP are at least 2000 higher than yours and this card is in your graveyard, you can banish this card any turn it wasn’t sent there to add any Zexal Spell/Trap that isn’t another Entrust to your hand from the graveyard. Finally, Zexal Alliance is a Normal Trap that lets you pay LP until you only have 10 left after an Xyz Monster is destroyed by battle or opponent’s card effect to then target a Utopia in your graveyard to Special Summon it, then place any card in the Deck on top of your Deck, doubles the Utopia’s ATK, gives it immunity from being destroyed by battle with a monster that isn’t a Number, and also gives it protection from destruction effects.
Branded in the Abyss
Next up we follow Ecclesia, Albaz, and friends deeper into the Abyss lore to continue the support for Dogmatika, Tri-Brigade, and Springans alongside the new Branded archetype. Supreme Sovereign Serpent of Golgonda is a Level 8 FIRE Reptile whose original ATK becomes 3000 if Great Sand Sea – Gold Golgonda is on the field, can be Special Summoned from the hand or graveyard while a face-up card is in the Field Zone, but it’s banished when it leaves the field, and if Gold Golgonda would be destroyed by a card effect, you can banish a monster in the graveyard instead. Springans Brothers is a Level 4 FIRE Machine who upon being sent from the hand or Deck to the graveyard can let you
revive another Springans monster from the graveyard, and has the effect in hand or grave to attach itself to a Springans Xyz you control. White Knight of Dogmatika is a Level 8 LIGHT Spellcaster Ritual who can be Ritual Summoned with Dogmatikalamity, prevents you from Special Summoning from the Extra Deck, can let you look at the opponent’s Extra Deck if they activate a card or effect and send a monster from said Extra Deck to the graveyard, and gains ATK equal to half the ATK of any monster sent by this effect until the end of the turn. Albion the Branded Dragon is a Level 8 DARK Dragon Fusion of
Fallen of Albaz and any LIGHT monster, upon being Fusion Summoned can let you Fusion Summon any Level 8 or lower Fusion from the Extra Deck that isn’t another Albion by banishing the Fusion Materials from your hand, field, and/or graveyard, and during the End Phase of the turn Albion was sent to the graveyard, you can add to your hand or set any Branded Spell/Trap directly from the Deck. Springans Merrymaker is a Rank 4 FIRE Machine that needs any 2 Level 4 monsters, upon being Special Summoned from the Extra Deck can let you send any Springans monster from the Deck to the graveyard, and has a Quick Effect during the
opponent’s Main or Battle Phase to banish itself until the end of the turn, then if it had 2 or more Xyz Materials you can send any Fusion that lists Fallen of Albaz as material from the Extra Deck to the graveyard. Tri-Brigade Bearbrumm the Rampant Rampager is a Link-2 FIRE Beast with Left and Bottom-Right arrows, needs 2 Tri-Brigade monsters to summon, can let you discard 2 cards to target and Special Summon a banished Level 4 or lower Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast monster, and if sent to the graveyard can let you add a Tri-Brigade Spell/Trap from the Deck to the hand and then
makes you return a card from your hand to the bottom of the Deck and only lets you Special Summon Tri-Brigade monsters for the rest of the turn. Dogmatikalamity is a Ritual Spell that can Ritual Summon any Dogmatika Ritual by tributing monsters from the hand or field whose combined Levels exactly equals the Level of the Ritual Monster, or you can send a monster from the Extra Deck to the graveyard with the same Level as the Ritual Monster, but either way you cannot summon from the Extra Deck for the rest of the turn. Springans Booty is a Continuous Spell that if a face-up Xyz Monster you control leaves the field by a card effect, you
can target a face-up Effect Monster the opponent controls to prevent either player from being able to activate its effects until the end of the turn, also you can send this face-up card from the field to the graveyard to activate 1 Great Sand Sea – Gold Golgonda directly from the Deck or graveyard. Branded in White is a Normal Spell that lets you Fusion Summon any Fusion from the Extra Deck by using monsters from the hand or field to the graveyard, including a Dragon monster, plus you can also banish materials from the graveyard for Fusion Material if you use Fallen of Albaz from your hand, field, or by banishing it from the graveyard, and also during the End Phase of the turn this card was sent to the graveyard to activate Fallen of Albaz, you can set this card to the field. Screams of the Branded is a Normal Trap that if a Fusion Monster is sent to the graveyard this turn, you can Special Summon any Fusion that’s banished or in your graveyard, also it has the same set effect as Branded in White. Finally, Judgment of the Branded is a Normal Trap the targets a Level 8 or higher Fusion you control to destroy all monsters the opponent controls with equal or higher ATK, and also once again the same set effect as Branded in White.
Ticket to the Precious Park
The other new archetype we see in this set is the Amazement archetype, an archetype based on Traps equipping to your Amazement monsters or the opponent’s monsters to gain various effects, and thematically goes through rides looking at past archetypes in the history of the game. Amazement Administrator Arlekino is a Level 7 DARK Psychic who can once per turn banish any number of Attraction Traps from the grave to target and destroy an equal number of the opponent’s cards, can be Special Summoned from the hand if a Trap Card is activated, and if the opponent Normal/Special Summons a monster(s), you can target one of the monsters they summon and equip any Attraction Trap from the Deck to
that monster. Amazement Ambassador Bufo is a Level 3 EARTH Beast who on Normal Summon can target an Attraction Trap in the graveyard and a face-up monster the opponent controls to equip the Trap from grave to the opponent’s monster, and it has a Quick Effect to target a face-up Attraction Trap you control and equip it to an Amazement monster you control or a face-up monster the opponent controls. Amazement Attendant Comica is a Level 4 LIGHT Machine who on Normal Summon can set any Attraction Trap from the Deck, plus she has the same Quick Effect to move Attraction Traps around as Bufo. Amazing
Time Ticket is a Quick-Play Spell that lets you pay 800 LP to apply an effect depending on whose turn it is with your turn letting you search any Amazement monster and the opponent’s turn letting you set any Attraction Trap from the Deck that can be activated that turn. Amazement Special Show is a Quick-Play Spell that when the opponent activates a card or effect that targets an Amazement monster(s) you control, you can target one of those Amazement monsters to return it to the hand and Special Summon an Amazement monster from the hand. Amazement Precious Park is a Field Spell that lets you activate an Attraction Trap the turn it was
set once per turn, and during the End Phase can target an Attraction Trap you control that’s equipped to a monster to take an Attraction Trap that’s banished or in the graveyard with a different name from the first target and sets that target. Amazement Family Faces is a Normal Trap that targets a monster the opponent controls equipped with an Amazement Trap and lets you take control and equips this card to it to give it a 500 ATK boost, prevents the equipped monster from activating its effects, and treats the monster as an Amazement monster. Amaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster is a Normal Trap that can equip to your Amazement monster or opponent’s monster to where if it’s
equipped to your monster, you can target a Spell/Trap the opponent controls to send both it and this card to the graveyard, and if this card is equipped to an opponent’s monster, you can add any Amazement monster from the Deck to the hand and then send this card to the graveyard. Amaze Attraction Wonder Wheel is a Normal Trap that also equips to either your Amazement monster or any opponent’s monster, equipped to your monster lets you place a card from your hand to the bottom of the Deck to draw a card, and equipped to an opponent’s monster lets you switch the equipped monster’s ATK and DEF until the end of the turn. Amaze Attraction Majestic Merry-
Go-Round is a Normal Trap that equips to your Amazement monster or any opponent’s monster, equipped to your monster has the equipped monster gain 500 ATK and can be sent to the graveyard instead if the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle or card effect, and being equipped to an opponent’s monster will debuff the equipped the monster by 500 ATK for each Attraction Trap you control equipped to a monster. Amaze Attraction Rapid Racing is a Normal Trap that can equip to your Amazement monster or any opponent’s monster, being
equipped to your monster lets you target a monster in the opponent’s grave and shuffles it into the Deck by swapping the monster’s battle position, and being equipped to an opponent’s monster can increase the monster’s Level by 1 and swap its battle position. Finally, Amaze Attraction Horror House is the final Normal Trap to equip to your Amazement monster or opponent’s monster, while equipped to your monster can target an Effect Monster the opponent controls to negate its effects until the end of the turn, and being equipped to the opponent’s monster can force the equipped monster to face-down Defense Position.
Blooming of the Blood Rose
Now we get to the long awaited evolution to Black Rose Dragon, the first Signer Dragon to get an evolution that isn’t Stardust Dragon or Red Dragon Archfiend. We of course get more Rose Dragon support to help generic Plant/Dragon good stuff. Roxrose Dragon is a Level 3 DARK Dragon Tuner that upon Normal/Special Summon lets you add any card that lists Black Rose Dragon in its effect text from the Deck to the hand that isn’t another Roxrose, and if a face-up Rose Dragon or Plant Synchro is destroyed by battle or opponent’s card effect, you can add this card from the graveyard to the hand. Ruddy Rose Witch is a Level 1 LIGHT Plant Tuner who can be tributed to add Witch of the Black Rose from the Deck
to the hand, then you take a Level 3 or lower Plant from your Deck and place it on top of your Deck, then you can immediately Normal Summon a Witch of the Black Rose, plus you can banish this card from the graveyard to return a Black Rose Dragon or Ruddy Rose Dragon that’s banished or in the graveyard to the Extra Deck. Ruddy Rose Dragon is a Level 10 FIRE Dragon Synchro of any Tuner and any number of non-Tuners, upon Synchro Summon can banish every card in the graveyards and then if you used Black Rose Dragon as material to summon this, you can destroy all other cards on the field,
plus if the opponent would activate a card or effect that would destroy a card(s), you can tribute this card to negate that effect and then summon a Black Rose Dragon from the Extra Deck or graveyard. Garden Rose Flora is a Level 5 LIGHT Plant Synchro Tuner that needs any Tuner and any number of non-Tuners, can target a card in the Field Zone to destroy it and summon a Rose Token (Plant/DARK/Level 2/ATK 800/DEF 800) to the field of the player that controlled the destroyed card in Attack Position, but you can only summon Synchros from the Extra Deck for the rest of the turn, also she has a Quick Effect to Synchro Summon on the opponent’s turn using this card as material. Finally, Basal Rose Shoot is a Quick-Play Spell that can Special Summon a Rose Dragon from your hand or graveyard in Defense Position, also if this Set card is destroyed by the opponent you can target a Black Rose Dragon or any monster that lists it in its text from your banished zone or graveyard and Special Summon it.
A.I.’m Back
The next archetype returning from the past with a real wave of support of 5 cards is the @Ignister archetype and some upgrades to make the Deck more consistent. Danmari @Ignister is a Level 6 DARK Cyberse that can be Special Summoned from the hand if an attack is declared involving your @Ignister monster, then you negate the attack, also Danmari has a Quick Effect to banish itself from the hand or graveyard while you control a Link-6 monster to target a face-up card the opponent controls and negate its effects until the end of the turn. Dark Infant @Ignister is a Link-1 DARK Cyberse with a Left arrow, needs any non-Link
@Ignister to summon, upon Link Summon can let you add an Ignister A.I.Land from the Deck to the hand, and when a Cyberse monster with 2300 original ATK activates its effect, you can move this card to another of your Main Monster Zones and change its Attribute. A.I. Meet You is a Normal Spell that lets you reveal a Cyberse monster with 2300 ATK from your hand or Extra Deck to add an @Ignister monster from the Deck to the hand with the same Attribute as the revealed monster, but you take 2300 damage during the End Phase if you didn’t Special Summon that monster or a monster with the same name and you cannot activate the
effects of monsters for the rest of the turn that aren’t Cyberse monsters. You and A.I. is a Continuous Spell that if a Cyberse monster with 2300 ATK is Special Summoned, you can apply an effect depending on the Attribute of the monster with EARTH/WATER letting you half the ATK of a face-up monster until the end of the turn, WIND/LIGHT lets you negate the effects of a face-up card on the field until the end of the turn, and FIRE/DARK lets you Special Summon an @Ignister Token (Cyberse/DARK/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0). Finally, A.I. Challenge You is a Continuous Trap that makes your opponent’s monsters lose 100 ATK for each monster you control, prevents the opponent from activating cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step if your @Ignister battles, and when your @Ignister is destroyed in battle, you can another target a Cyberse with 2300 ATK in the graveyard and Special Summon it.
The End of the War (Rock)
Finally for full fledged archetype support we got the last of the known War Rock cards we’ll receive, so more of the EARTH Warriors who focus on the Battle Phase. War Rock Wento is a Level 4 where if your EARTH Warrior battles an opponent’s monster, then as a Quick Effect during damage calculation you can pay 800 LP so your battling monster gains 800 ATK until the end of the turn, plus if this card is sent from the monster zone to grave by an opponent’s card effect, you can summon a Level 5 or higher War Rock from your hand or Deck. War Rock Mammud is a Level 5 who can be Normal Summoned without tribute if you control no monsters or only Warriors, and if your EARTH Warrior battles, after damage calculation you can target and destroy a
Spell/Trap the opponent controls and then your War Rocks gain 200 ATK until the end of your opponent’s turn. War Rock Meteoragon is a Level 7 that cannot be destroyed by an opponent’s card effect, when an attack is declared involving this card and an opponent’s monster, you can negate that opponent’s monster’s effects until the end of the turn as well as the activated effects of monsters on the field with the same name, and once per turn during the Battle Phase in which your EARTH Warrior battles, you can make all War Rocks you control gain 200 ATK until the end of the opponent’s turn and this card can make two attacks during each Battle Phase this turn. War Rock Dignity is a Quick-Play
Spell that lets you activate one of two effects if you control a War Rock where you can either negate an opponent’s monster’s activated effect or negate a Spell/Trap Card or monster effect activated during the Battle Phase. War Rock Spirit is another Quick-Play Spell that during the Battle Phase can revive a War Rock in Attack Position and that monster’s effects are negated and they cannot attack, or revive a War Rock in Defense Position and the first time each War Rock would be destroyed by battle this turn, it isn’t destroyed. War Rock Generations is a Normal Trap that during the Battle Phase if the opponent controls more monsters than you, you can Special Summon a War Rock from the Deck and if you activated this card during the opponent’s turn, your opponent can only attack that monster for the rest of the turn while you control that Special Summoned monster. Finally, War Rock Big Blow is a Normal Trap that during the Main Phase if a face-up War Rock monster(s) you control leaves the field by a card effect, you can destroy up to 2 cards the opponent controls.
Archetype Assists
Now we can get to the archetypes that received 1-3 new cards in this set. In order we got 3 new Bujin cards, 3 new S-Force cards, 2 new Traptrix cards, 1 new Live Twin, 1 new Plunder Patroll, 1 new Starry Knight, 1 new Ice Barrier, 1 new Scrap, 2 new Laval cards, 1 new Magistus card, 1 new Drytron card, 1 new Paleozoic, 1 new D/D/D, and 3 new Sunavalon/Sunvine cards. Bujin Mahitotsu is a Level 4 LIGHT Beast-Warrior who can let you send another Bujin card from the hand to the graveyard to Special Summon this card, and can either send a Bujin from the hand to the graveyard to add a different Bujin from the grave to the hand or banish a Bujin from the grave to send a Bujin with a different name
from the Deck to the grave. Bujin Torifune is a Level 4 LIGHT Beast-Warrior who can be tributed to summon 2 Bujins with different types from the Deck in Defense Position, except another Torifune, and can equip itself from the grave to a Bujin Xyz you Xyz Summon to make any monster the equipped monster destroyed in battle be banished instead of going to grave. Bujincandescence is a Continuous Spell that prevents Beast-Warrior Bujins from being destroyed by card effects, except during the Battle Phase, can once per turn send a Bujin from hand or face-up field to the graveyard to target a face-up card the opponent
controls and negates its effects until the end of the turn, and can be sent to the graveyard to target and Special Summon a Bujin from the grave. S-Force Dog Tag is a Level 5 LIGHT Machine that prevents opponent’s monsters from activating their effects if they’re in the same column as an S-Force monster, and can be Special Summoned from hand if the opponent Normal/Special Summons a monster while you control an S-Force monster. S-Force Edge Razor is a Level 4 DARK Cyberse that prevents opponent’s monsters in the same column as S-Force monsters from being used as Link Material for a Link-3 or higher monster and upon this card
being Normal/Special Summoned lets you Special Summon an S-Force from the hand in Attack Position that isn’t another Edge Razor. S-Force Chase is a Normal Trap that lets you target face-up cards the opponent controls up to the number of S-Force monsters you control with different names to return the targets to the hand, and if you would banish a card to activate an S-Force monster’s effect, you can banish this card from the graveyard instead. Traptrix Vesuculo is a Level 4 EARTH Plant who is unaffected by Hole Normal Traps, can be Special Summoned from the hand by sending a Set Trap
you control to the graveyard, and can be banished from the graveyard while you control no cards in your Spell/Trap Zone to Set a Hole Normal Trap from the graveyard. Traptrix Cularia is a Link-2 EARTH Plant that needs any 2 Insect and/or Plants, has Right and Down arrows, is unaffected by Traps if it was Link Summoned, can Set a Hole Normal Trap you activate instead of sending it to the graveyard, and can revive a Traptrix from the graveyard in Defense Position during the End Phase. Live☆Twin Ki-sikil Frost is a Level 2 LIGHT Aqua who can be Special Summoned from the hand if you control a Lil-la monster and if the opponent adds a card
from Deck to hand while you control an Evil★Twin, you can banish this card from the grave to draw a card. Blackeyes, the Plunder Patroll Seaguide is a Level 4 WATER Fiend who can target a Plunder Patroll monster in the grave to Special Summon this card from hand and add the targeted monster from grave to hand, and if it is sent from the hand or field to the graveyard, you can Special Summon a Plunder Patroll from your Spell/Trap Zone in Defense Position. Starry Knight Ciel is a Level 4 LIGHT Fairy who can be Special Summoned from hand by returning a Starry Knight monster or Level 7 LIGHT Dragon you control
to hand, and it can be banished from the graveyard to summon a Level 7 LIGHT Dragon from the hand. Judge of the Ice Barrier is a Level 4 WATER Warrior who makes the opponent lose 500 LP if they activate a card that makes them pay LP while you control an Ice Barrier, can target 1 or 2 Ice Barrier monsters in your graveyard and 1 or 2 cards in the opponent’s grave to shuffle them into the Deck, and can be banished from the graveyard to target an Attack Position monster on the field and change it to Defense Position. Scrap Raptor is a Level 4 EARTH Dinosaur Tuner who can target and destroy a monster you control to gain the additional
Normal Summon of a Scrap monster this turn and if this card is destroyed by the effect of a Scrap monster, you can add any non-Tuner Scrap monster or Scrap Factory from the Deck to the hand. Lavalval Exlord is a Level 8 FIRE Warrior Synchro that needs any Tuner and any non-Tuner FIRE monsters, can destroy an opponent’s monster in hand or field that activates its effect and burns the opponent for 1000 damage, and if it was Synchro Summoned destroyed by the opponent’s card, you can Special Summon up to 3 non-Synchro FIRE monsters with 200 DEF from the grave in Defense Position with their
effects negated. Birth of the Prominence Flame is a Normal Spell that targets 2 FIRE monsters (1 Tuner and 1 non-Tuner) in the graveyard and banishes them to Special Summon a FIRE Synchro whose Level equals the combined Levels of the banished monsters. Rilliona, the Wonderous Magistus Witch Wardrobe is a Rank 4 LIGHT Spellcaster Xyz that needs 2 Level 4 Spellcasters with different Attributes to summon, can detach a material from itself to summon a Magistus from Deck and then locks you to only summon Magistus monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of the
turn, and while equipped to a monster can let you target an Effect Monster the opponent controls and negates its effects until the end of the turn. Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir is a Rank 1 LIGHT Machine Xyz that needs any 2+ Level 1s to summon, lets you detach materials required to Ritual Summon a Ritual Monster when you would Ritual Summon, upon Xyz Summon lets you send a Drytron card from Deck to grave, and when the opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card or effect while you control a Machine Ritual, then as a Quick Effect you can detach a material from this card to negate that effect and destroy that card. Paleozoic Cambroraster is a Link-2 WATER
Aqua that needs 2 Paleozoics to summon, has Up and Down arrows, is unaffected by other monster effects, can target and send a card Set in the Spell/Trap Zone to the graveyard to set any Paleozoic Trap from the Deck that can be activated this turn, and can banish itself from the graveyard instead if a Set card would be destroyed by a card effect. D/D/D Supersight King Zero Maxwell is a Level 7 Scale 4 DARK Fiend Pendulum with a Pendulum Effect to target a face-up monster on the field and make its DEF 0 until the end of the turn and a Monster Effect where before Damage Calculation if this attacks a Defense Position monster, you can make that monster’s DEF become
0 until the end of the Damage Step, this card deals piercing battle damage, and you take no damage from battles involving this card. Sunavalon Daphne is a Link-2 EARTH Plant that needs any 2 Plants to summon, has Left and Right arrows, cannot be targeted for attacks, but doesn’t prevent the opponent from attacking directly, and can tribute a monster to target 2 Plant Links in the graveyard and return it to the Extra Deck. Sunavalon Melias is a Link-3 EARTH Plant that needs 2+ Plants, including a Link Monster, to summon, has Up, Left, and Right arrows, on Link Summon can Special Summon a Sunseed Genius Loci from the grave, cannot be attacked but doesn’t prevent the opponent from attacking directly, and once per turn can target a Sunvine Link you control this card points to and it can attack a number of times each Battle Phase up to the number of Sunavalon Links you control. Finally, Sunvine Cross Breed is a Continuous Spell that can tribute a Link to Special Summon another Plant from the graveyard with its effects negated.
Generic Goodies
We finally get to the generic cards, as is tradition for every set. This set might not be known for its generic cards as much as it will be archetype support, but there’s some good stuff in here, and the best card of the set is somewhat generic as almost always. Diviner of the Herald is a Level 2 LIGHT Fairy Tuner that on Normal or Special Summon can send a Fairy from Deck or Extra Deck to the grave to have this card gain the Level of the sent monster’s Level, plus if this card is tributed you can summon any Level 2 or lower Fairy from hand or Deck in Defense Position that isn’t another Diviner. Dark Honest is a Level 4 DARK Fairy that can return itself to the hand from the field and can discard
itself when a DARK monster battles an opponent’s monster to make the opponent’s monster lose ATK equal to its own ATK. Bahalutiya, the Grand Radiance is a Level 7 LIGHT Dragon that can be tribute summoned by tributing 1 Effect Monster, during the opponent’s Main Phase can be Tribute Summoned if the opponent adds a card from their Deck to the hand, and on Normal or Special Summon from the hand can make the opponent banish the top cards of their Deck face-down equal to the number of cards in their hand, shuffle their hand into
the Deck, and then add the cards banished by this effect to the opponent’s hand. Pharaonic Guardian Sphinx is a Level 8 EARTH Rock who can go to face-down Defense Position once per turn, upon being Flip Summoned makes the opponent shuffle all the monsters they control into the Deck, and if this card is destroyed in its owner’s control by an opponent’s card effect, you can Special Summon a Level 5 Rock from hand or Deck in face-down Defense Position. Sky Scourge Cidhels is a Level 6 EARTH Fiend that cannot be Special Summoned, if Tribute Summoned using a LIGHT Fairy lets you add a LIGHT Fairy or
DARK Fiend from Deck to hand and if Tributed Summoned using a DARK Fiend lets you send a LIGHT Fairy or DARK Fiend from Deck to grave. Anchamoufrite is a Level 5 Scale 4 Pendulum that has a Pendulum Effect that if you have no cards in the Extra Deck, except Anchamoufrite, you can destroy this card to draw a card and has a Monster Effect where it cannot be Normal Summoned or Set and must be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck face-up by having no cards in your Extra Deck, except Anchamoufrite, but it’s banished if it’s in the Monster Zone and leaves the field. Dark Eye Nightmare is a Level 4
DARK Fiend who if it is destroyed in battle, you can instead banish a Trap from the graveyard, plus you can banish up to 3 Traps from the graveyard to apply an effect where 1 Trap lets you draw 1 and then place 1 card from hand to the top of Deck, 2 Traps lets you draw 1 card, and 3 Traps lets you draw 2 cards and then discards 1 card. World Soul – Carbon is a Level 4 EARTH Fairy who can be tributed if Normal Summoned/Set to add any EARTH Fairy that isn’t another World Soul – Carbon from Deck to hand, and if a face-up Fairy you control is sent to the graveyard while this card is in the graveyard, you can place this card on the top of
your Deck. Yamorimori is a Level 2 WATER Reptile who can be banished from the graveyard to target a Reptile you control and face-up monster the opponent controls to either change those monsters to face-down Defense Position or destroy your monster and make the opponent’s monster ATK become 0. Clock Arc is a Level 4 Scale 4 that has a Pendulum Effect where if you control no monsters or only Pendulum Monsters, this card scale decreases by 3 if it’s in the Left Pendulum Zone or has its scale increase by 4 if it’s in the Right Pendulum Zone, plus it has the Monster Effect where it’s destroyed if not
summoned to the center Main Monster Zone, cannot be destroyed by battle, and during the End Phase once per turn can destroy a card in your Pendulum Zone to place this card in the Pendulum Zone. Otoshidamashi is a Level 1 EARTH Beast Tuner who cannot be attacked if you control a monster that isn’t a Tuner, if a monster is sent from the field to your opponent’s graveyard, this card gains 1 Otoshidamashi Counter and then this card lets you summon Otoshidamashi Tokens (Beast/EARTH/Level 1/ATK ?/DEF ?) up to the number of Otoshidamashi Counters on this card, and each Tokens Level is increased by the number of counters on this card
when summoned and its ATK and DEF is equal to its Level times 500. Mysterion the Dragon Crown is a Level 8 LIGHT Spellcaster Fusion of any Spellcaster and Dragon monster, cannot be used as Fusion Material, loses 100 ATK for each of your banished cards, and if a monster uses its activated effect to Special Summon itself or a monster with the same original Type, you can target 1 of those Special Summoned monsters and banish that monster and all monsters on the field with the same original Type. Star Mine is a Level 4 FIRE Pyro Synchro that needs any Tuner and any number of non-Tuners, can only be Special Summoned once per turn, if this card in its owner’s
possession is destroyed by an opponent’s attack or card effect, you take 2000 damage and then burn the opponent for 2000 damage, and if a monster in this card’s adjacent monster zone is destroyed by your opponent’s attack or card effect, you take 2000 damage and burn the opponent for 2000 damage. Benghalancer the Resurgent is a Link-4 LIGHT Plant that needs 2+ Plant monsters to summon, has Up, Down, Left, and Right arrows, has a Quick Effect during the Main Phase to target an Effect Monster the opponent controls to make you take damage equal to that monster’s ATK and if you took the damage, you return the targeted monster to the hand, plus if this card is
in your graveyard, you can banish 2 or more Link Monsters from your graveyard whose combined Link Rating exactly equals 4 to Special Summon this card from the graveyard, but it’s banished when it leaves the field. Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous is a Link-2 LIGHT Spellcaster that needs any 2 monsters, including a LIGHT monster, to summon, has Bottom-Left and Bottom-Right arrows, is always treated as a Familiar-Possessed card, can target a LIGHT monster in the opponent’s graveyard and summon it to your field in Defense Position, and if this Link Summoned card is destroyed by battle or opponent’s card effect, you can add a LIGHT monster with 1500 or less DEF
from Deck to hand. Book of Lunar Eclipse is a Quick-Play Spell that lets you discard a card to target 2 face-up monsters on the field and change them to face-down Defense Position. One-Kuri-Way is a Normal Spell that targets a Link-1 monster in the graveyard that either Special Summons it to its owner’s field or returns it to the Extra Deck. Hidden Springs of the Far East is a Field Spell that during the Main Phase 2 lets the turn player gain 500 LP and apply the effects where their Normal/Special Summons cannot be negated, prevents the activation of cards or effects that would Special Summon a monster from being negated, and prevents the player’s Set Spell/Traps
from being targeted or destroyed by the opponent’s card effects. One by One is a Normal Trap that lets you send a monster from hand or field to the graveyard to target a Level 1 monster that’s banished or in your graveyard, except the monster sent to the graveyard, and adds the target to your hand. Boo-Boo Game is a Normal Trap that during Damage Calculation if a monster battles, you take no battle damage from that battle, plus if this Set card is destroyed by an opponent’s card and sent to the graveyard, you can target 2 Normal Traps that aren’t Boo-Boo Game in your graveyard and set them to your field where they can be activated that turn. Fukubiki is a Normal
Trap that makes each player shuffle their Deck and excavate the top card of their Deck and adds the monster with higher ATK to the owner’s hand while lower ATK goes to the graveyard (Spells/Traps and monsters with ? ATK are treated as 0 ATK) or if there’s a tie, both cards go to the bottom of the Deck. Proof of Pruflas is a Level 3 DARK Fiend who can be Special Summoned from hand if you control no Special Summoned monsters, but you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of the turn, and if this card is Normal/Special Summoned you can immediately Tribute Summon a monster. Thron the Discipled Angel is a Level 4 EARTH Fairy who can be Special Summoned from hand if a monster who is originally an
EARTH Fairy is sent from your hand or field to the graveyard. Pendransaction is a Rank 4 WATER Cyberse Xyz that needs any 2 Level 4s to summon, and can detach a material from this card and if you have more cards in your Extra Deck than the opponent, you can apply the following effects in sequence where 1+ boosting this card by 1000 ATK until the end of the opponent’s turn, 5+ preventing either player for targeting this with effects until the end of the opponent’s turn, 10+ banishing a card the opponent controls and 15+ making your opponent’s LP become 3000. Expendable Dai is a Normal Trap that lets you tribute a Warrior to target a card on the field and destroy it and then lets you draw a card. Terrors of
the Underroot is a Normal Trap that targets up to 5 cards in the opponent’s graveyard and the same number of the opponent’s banished cards to banish the cards in the graveyard and returns the banished cards to the graveyard. Eda the Sun Magician is a Level 4 EARTH Spellcaster that if Normal Summoned or flipped face-up lets you Special Summon a Spellcaster with 1500 DEF from your hand or Deck in face-down Defense Position, except Eda the Sun Magician, plus during the opponent’s Main Phase as a Quick Effect can change a face-down Spellcaster you control to face-up Attack or Defense Position. Staysailor Romarin is a Level 4 LIGHT Plant Tuner with a Quick Effect to target a face-up monster you control to then send another Plant
monster you control to the grave to prevent the next time that monster would be destroyed by battle or card effect that turn, and if this card is sent to the graveyard by a card effect, you can send a Level 5 or lower Plant from the Deck or Extra Deck to the graveyard. Finally, Binary Blader is a Link-2 EARTH Cyberse who needs 2 Normal Monsters to summon, has Left and Right arrows, and gains the following effects based on the number of co-links this card has with 1+ making it where it declares an attack on an opponent’s monster, you can activate this effect where this card can make a second attack during each Battle Phase this turn and any monster this card battles cannot be destroyed in battle, and 2 co-links banishes an opponent’s monster that battles this card after Damage Calculation.
In Conclusion
Overall, I do think this is a good set, there’s just an issue on paper. The lone issue is the rarity spread not adding as much value as it could since the better cards are lower rarity. It’s good for budget players, just bad for those that crack these sets trying to get money back to get people their singles. Anyways, some great cards in this set. Diviner of the Herald is an insane card finally imported in here, and with Mu Beta Fafnir should help boost Drytron back to the meta. Bearbrumm helps boost Tri-Brigade to be a successful strategy in a more pure variant with at most a small Zoodaic package, but variants can still succeed as well. Scrap Raptor is an insane card for Decks like Dinosaur or Orcust while also being a great support for pure Scrap, while Blackeyes can help Plunder Patroll find more rogue success. The Utopia support is super cool and boosts the archetype, which isn’t done being supported this year, and seeing the Black Rose cards is super nice and can add a lot to Dragon/Plant strategies or just Synchro Spam in general. Amazement is a fun archetype that can find some good success with the quality Traps and monsters it has, maybe not pure, but it mixes well with Traptrix and their new support. We also got some nice Bujin upgrades after so many years. Branded seems like a nice archetype and could be ran in Albaz Decks. Book of Lunar Eclipse might be the best card intended for every Deck, which kind of sets a low bar for the most generic cards, but at least Diviner is great for Fairies. Dark Honest is a cool card to finally have, just a decade late for being viable. A lot going on in this set and all pretty good. It’s a good set to update Decks and boost the metagame, just don’t expect the best value from opening it without pulling a Starlight or Diviner of the Herald.
Thanks for reading,