Math, dragon maids, and giant bosses? Yep, sounds like a normal trio to me. Hello Pojo Readers, Crunch$G back here to discuss the newest side set to the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game, Mystic Fighters. Like previous side sets like Hidden Summoners and Infinity Chasers, this set gives us support for three brand new archetypes to the game. The first one is the Mathmech archetype, a Cyberse based archetype full of Level 4 monsters to help Synchro and Xyz Summon as well as potentially OTK. Then we got the Dragonmaids who use their maiden forms to set up your plays while the dragons do extra things in the hand and are your bodies to battle with. Thirdly, you got the Generaider archetype full of Level 9 bosses of different types that also work well together. Now that I got the brief details out of the way, I’ll get into the specifics.
Basic Mathematics
First off, the Mathmech archetype. Mathmech Sigma is a Level 4 LIGHT Cyberse Tuner that can Special Summon itself from the hand or graveyard if there’s no monster in your Extra Monster Zone at the cost of Sigma being banished when it leaves the field and locking your Extra Deck summons to Cyberse monsters, plus it can be treated as a non-Tuner for the Synchro Summon of a Mathmech monster. Mathmech Nabla is a Level 4 DARK Cyberse Tuner that lets you tribute a Cyberse monster to Special Summon a Mathmech monster from your Deck, and it can target a Cyberse monster in the Extra Monster Zone and allow it to attack monsters twice that turn when Nabla is sent to the graveyard. Mathmech Addition is a Level 4 FIRE Cyberse that can Special Summon itself from the hand by boosting a monster’s ATK by 1000, but it’ll
lock your Special Summons from the Extra Deck to Cyberse monsters and Addition cannot attack the turn it was summoned that way. Mathmech Subtraction is basically the same as Addition, only it debuffs a monster by 1000 ATK instead of boosting it. Mathmech Multiplication is a Level 4 EARTH Cyberse that can make a Level 4 Cyberse monster you control become Level 8 and when sent to the graveyard can double the ATK of a Cyberse monster in the Extra Monster Zone. Mathmech Division is another Level 4 EARTH Cyberse that tributes a Cyberse in the Extra Monster Zone to summon up to 1 Level 4 Cyberse each from your hand and graveyard, plus when sent to the graveyard can halve the ATK of a monster on the field. Geomathmech Magma is a
Level 8 FIRE Cyberse Synchro Tuner that only needs any Tuner and any non-Tuner(s), can target and destroy up to two of the opponent’s cards when it destroys a monster in battle, and when Magma is destroyed by the opponent it’ll let you search for any Mathmech Spell or Trap. Geomathmech Final Sigma is a Level 12 FIRE Cyberse that needs any Tuner and any non-Tuner(s), unaffected by non-Mathmech cards while in the Extra Monster Zone, deals double battle damage when battling a monster while in the Extra Monster Zone, and searches for any Mathmech card when destroyed by the opponent. Primathmech Laplacian is a Rank 4 EARTH Cyberse Xyz that needs 3 Level 4 monsters, can detach a material from itself to save a Mathmech from destruction, and can detach up to 3 Xyz Materials to apply any of the following effects equal to the materials
detached: send a random card from the opponent’s hand to the graveyard, send an opponent’s Monster to the graveyard, and send an opponent’s Spell/Trap to the graveyard. Primathmech Alembertian is another Rank 4 EARTH Cyberse Xyz that needs 2 or more Level 4 monsters, can tribute itself to summon a Mathmech from your hand or graveyard, can detach 2 materials upon Xyz Summon to search for any Mathmech card or detach 3 materials upon Xyz Summon to search for any Level 4 monster or detach 4 materials to search for any Spell or Trap. Mathmech Equation is a Normal Spell that revives any Mathmech and gives it 1000 ATK for the turn. Mathmech Billionblade Nayuta is an Equip Spell that can only equip to a Cyberse monster, can send a Mathmech from the Deck to the grave during damage calculation to boost a battling Mathmech’s ATK by the ATK of the sent monster until the end of the turn, and upon this card’s destruction lets you retrieve a Mathmech card of a different name from your graveyard. Mathmech Superfactorial is a Normal Trap that targets up to 3 Mathmechs in your graveyard and Special Summons them to immediately perform a Synchro or Xyz Summon of a Mathmech monster with the summoned monsters. Finally, Mathmech Induction is a Continuous Trap that boosts all your Cyberse monsters by 500 ATK and can send itself to the graveyard while you control a Mathmech to destroy an opponent’s card.
House Dragonmaids
The next archetype is the Dragonmaid archetype, which is full of Dragon monsters in their maiden and dragon forms. Nuse Dragonmaid is a Level 2 EARTH Dragon that can revive a Level 4 or lower Dragonmaid from your graveyard upon Normal/Special Summon and can return to the hand at the start of the Battle Phase to summon a Level 7 Dragonmaid from your hand or graveyard. Dragonmaid Ernus is a Level 7 EARTH Dragon that cannot be destroyed by effects while you control a Fusion Monster, can discard itself from the hand as a Quick Effect to summon a Level 4 or lower Dragonmaid from your hand, and at the end of the Battle Phase can return to the hand to summon a Level 2 Dragonmaid from your hand. Laundry Dragonmaid is a Level 2 WATER Dragon that can mill the top 3 cards of your Deck upon Normal or Special Summon and can return
to the hand at the start of the Battle Phase to summon a Level 7 Dragonmaid from your hand or graveyard. Dragonmaid Nudyarl is a Level 7 WATER Dragon that cannot be destroyed by effects while you control a Fusion Monster, can discard itself from the hand to target a monster in either graveyard and return it to the deck, and at the end of the Battle Phase can return to the hand to summon a Level 2 Dragonmaid from the hand. Kitchen Dragonmaid is a Level 3 FIRE Dragon that can search for a Dragonmaid card then makes you discard a Dragonmaid card upon Normal or Special Summon and can return to the hand at the start of the Battle Phase to summon a Level 8 Dragonmaid from your hand or graveyard. Dragonmaid Tinkhec is a Level 8 FIRE
Dragon that cannot be destroyed by effects while you control a Fusion Monster, can discard itself from the hand as a Quick Effect to boost a Dragonmaid by 2000 ATK and DEF, and can return to the hand at the end of the Battle Phase to summon a Level 3 Dragonmaid from your hand. Parlor Dragonmaid is a Level 3 WIND Dragon that can send a Dragonmaid card from the deck to the graveyard upon Normal or Special Summon and can return to the hand at the start of the Battle Phase to summon a Level 8 Dragonmaid from your hand or graveyard. Dragonmaid Lorpar is a Level 8 WIND Dragon that cannot be destroyed by effects while you control a Fusion Monster, can discard itself from the hand to target a monster on the field and prevent players from activating that monster’s effects that turn, and at the end of the Battle Phase can return itself to the hand
to summon a Level 3 Dragonmaid from your hand. House Dragonmaid is a Level 9 LIGHT Dragon Fusion of a Dragonmaid and any Dragon, can target a Dragonmaid you control during the Standby Phase to summon a Dragonmaid that’s 1 Level higher or lower from your hand or graveyard, and can target and destroy a monster the opponent controls when a Dragon you control returns to the hand. Dragonmaid Hospitality is a Normal Spell that can summon a Dragonmaid from your hand or graveyard in Defense Position and then send a Dragonmaid with the same Attribute but different Level from the deck to the graveyard. Dragonmaid Welcome is a Continuous Spell that boosts all your monster by 100 ATK/DEF for each Dragonmaid you control, can target a Dragonmaid card in your graveyard and add it to your hand if you control 2 or more Dragonmaid monsters, and gives your Dragonmaids targeting protection from the opponent for the turn when sent to the graveyard. Dragonmaid Changeover is a Normal Spell that Fusion Summons any Dragon by using monsters in your hand or on your field as material and can target a Dragonmaid monster you control to return itself to the hand and then return that Dragonmaid to your hand. Finally, Dragonmaid Downtime is a Continuous Trap that can target a Dragonmaid monster you control and return it to the hand to either search for a Dragonmaid card that doesn’t have the same name as this card or it can target a Spell/Trap of your opponent’s and return it to the hand.
Join the Generaid
Finally the Generaider archetype, which is full of Level 9 monsters of different types that you can only control one of each Generaider monster. Mardel, Generaider Boss of Light is a LIGHT Plant that can search for a Generaider card or a Plant Monster upon Normal or Special Summon. Frodi, Generaider of Swords is a WIND Warrior that can tribute any Generaider or Warrior monsters as a Quick Effect to destroy an equal number of monsters on the field and then let the opponent draw the same number of cards as the number of monsters that were destroyed. Dovelgus, Generaider Boss of Iron is a EARTH Machine that can tribute any number of Generaider or Machine monsters as a Quick Effect to summon an equal number of Generaider or Machine monsters from your hand with different names from each other and the tributed monsters in Defense Position.
Naglfar, Generaider Boss of Fire is a FIRE Beast-Warrior that once per turn can destroy another Generaider card or Beast-Warrior monster you control to protect a card from destruction. Nidhogg, Generaider Boss of Ice is a WATER Wyrm that can tribute a Generaider or Wyrm monster as a Quick Effect when the opponent Special Summons a monster(s) to negate that summon and destroy the monster(s). Hela, Generaider Boss of Doom is a DARK Zombie that can tribute a Generaider or Zombie monster as a Quick Effect to revive a Generaider or Zombie monster with a different name from the tributed monster in Defense Position. Jormungandr, Generaider Boss of Eternity is a EARTH Reptile Xyz of any 2 or more Level 9 monsters, has its original
ATK/DEF become equal to the number of Xyz Materials it has times 1000, and as a Quick Effect can detach a material from itself to let each player draw a card and then make them take a card in their hand or on their field and attach it to this card as material. Generaider Boss Stage is a Field Spell that lets you summon a Generaider from your deck in Defense Position when your opponent adds a card from their deck to their hand and summons as many Generaider Tokens as possible (Fairy/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 1500/DEF 1500) when you summon a Generaider during the opponent’s turn. Generaider Boss Quest is a Normal Spell that reveals a Generaider monster in your hand, searches for up to 2 Generaider Spells or Traps with different names from your deck, and then returns the revealed monster to your deck. Generaider Boss Loot is a Continuous Spell that prevents your opponent from attacking Generaider Effect Monsters while you control a Token and lets the opponent draw a card when they destroy a Generaider Effect Monster by battle. Generaider Boss Fight is a Normal Trap that activates a Generaider Field Spell from your deck or graveyard and then lets the opponent draw a card. Generaider Boss Room is a Continuous Trap that can let you discard a card when the opponent activates a card or effect in response to your Generaider card or effect to turn that effect into letting each player draw a card. Finally, Generaider Boss Bite is a Normal Trap that tributes any number of Generaider monsters you control to target a Generaider Xyz you control and attach Generaider monsters from your hand, field, and/or graveyard to it as material that weren’t the tributed monsters.
Noteworthy Reprints
Finally, the reprints in this set, which are all in holofoil of course. First off, you got a Jinzo reprint in here for some reason. Lonefire Blossom makes for a good foil reprint in this set. Debris Dragon is another card that’s nice to have as a foil. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Dragon is a long awaited reprint after the Fire Fist support. Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms and Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts are logical reprints after Tempest was unbanned. Balancer Lord getting a foil reprint is deserved. True King of All Calamities is a great reprint in this set. Super Rejuvenation is a strong reprint after it was unbanned recently. Monster Gate is good to get a second foil printing. Dark World Dealings is a good reprint to have. Rekindling is a nice reprint in foil after returning to three. Dragon Ravine is always nice to have. Appropriate and Heavy Slump are cute draw cards that can mess with the opponent or let you draw when the opponent draws. Finally, another foil print of Waking the Dragon is nice to have.
In Conclusion
Overall, these archetypes do seem like a ton of fun. The Mathmechs can be a very powerful OTK deck with Final Sigma that can attack twice with double damage and ATK after you weakened the opponent’s monsters. Dragonmaids are probably going to be the fan favorite archetype since they are Dragons and females, which are usually heavily beloved, and they’re a solid Dragon archetype even after Guardragons took a hit. Finally the Generaider cards could make for a solid deck by itself or some of the Generaiders can fit in decks that match their type, especially the Plant one. The reprints are strong in here as well since there’s a lot of nice cards that are always good in foil as they almost always can find some use, whether in the archetypes or in decks that recently got supported. Not a meta changing set, but a fun set overall for the casual player with some rogue potential maybe.