No Rush Duels, but we get the legacy support still. Hello Pojo Readers, Crunch$G here to review the first set of the “Sevens Era” technically, even though the sets from here-on-out won’t have any cards from the anime it seems. Rise of the Duelist will kick off a new era with sets mainly having legacy support featured mainly with support for other older archetypes and new archetypes still being involved, with new lore starting here. The set is focused on the new support for Gaia the Fierce Knight based on the cover card, but there’s also new support for archetypes like Fluffal, Darklords, Machinas, Shaddolls, Mathmechs, Adamancipator, Dragonmaid, and so on with new archetypes debuting like Dogmatika and Melffy. We also finally got the main Infernoble Knights to make the support in Toon Chaos playable, a lot of staple-worthy cards that are very good, and 20 OCG imports instead of exclusives. There’s a lot worth talking about in this set, so let’s get started.
Starlight Rares
It’s pretty much standard now, but of course we do have 5 Starlight Rares in this set: 4 from the core set itself and 1 added in as a reprint. The reprinted card to get the Starlight Rare treatment this time is D.D. Crow. The remaining Starlights include Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons from the Super Rare slot. Ultra Rare slots include 2 Starlights with Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous and Wynn the Wind Channeler, suggesting it won’t always be 1 Super – 1 Ultra – 2 Secrets getting Starlight treatment like it was last set. The lone Secret Rare to be Starlight is Triple Tactics Talent. Overall a solid batch.
Gaia Rides Again
The first archetype worth talking about is the return of Yugi’s Gaia the Fierce Knight, with a bunch more support surrounding the card including a new Gaia the Dragon Champion. Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin is a Level 4 who can be treated as 2 tributes to summon a Warrior, can be Special Summoned from hand by discarding a Level 5 or higher monster from your hand, and can be banished from your graveyard during the Battle Phase as a Quick Effect to make a monster’s ATK that’s different from its original ATK become its original ATK once again. Gaia the Magical Knight is a Level 7 that is always treated as a Gaia the Fierce Knight card, can be Normal Summoned without tribute if either you control no monsters or the opponent controls a monster with 2300 or
more ATK, and it can Special Summon a Level 5 Dragon from your hand or graveyard when it is Normal or Special Summoned. Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon is a Level 5 that on Normal or Special Summon lets you search for any Spell/Trap in your Deck that specifically lists Gaia the Dragon Champion in its text, and if sent to the graveyard lets you target a Gaia the Dragon Champion you control to negate the effects of monsters your opponent controls with ATK less than or equal to the targeted monster. Artillery Catapult Turtle is a Level 4 that lets you tribute any monster to summon a Gaia the Fierce Knight monster or any Level 5 Dragon from your hand or Deck. Soldier Gaia the Fierce Knight is a Level 8 that as a Quick Effect can let you tribute a
Dragon Fusion to Special Summon this card from hand, can change an Attack Position monster to Defense Position on Special Summon, and can be tributed to search for a differently named Level 7 or higher Warrior from your Deck. Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons is a Level 7 Fusion of any Gaia the Fierce Knight monster and any Level 5 Dragon, has its name become Gaia the Dragon Champion while on the field, as a Quick Effect during the Main Phase can debuff itself by 2600 ATK to destroy another card on the field, and can gain 2600 ATK after it destroys a monster in battle. Galloping Gaia is a Field Spell that prevents your opponent from using cards or effects during the Battle Phase while you Gaia the Dragon Champion is in your Monster Zone and can
let you either reveal a Gaia the Fierce Knight monster in hand to search for any Level 5 Dragon out of your Deck or vice-versa. Spiral Fusion is a Normal Spell that lets you Fusion Summon any Dragon Fusion by using monsters in your hand or on field as material and if you summon Gaia the Dragon Champion with this effect, it gains 2600 ATK and can make 2 attacks on monsters during each Battle Phase. Spiral Discharge is a Continuous Trap that only lets your opponent target Gaia the Dragon Champion for attacks while Gaia the Dragon Champion is in your Monster Zone and lets you target and destroy a card on field if an attack is declared involving your Gaia the Dragon Champion. Finally, Spiral Reborn is a Normal Trap that lets you target and revive any Level 7 or lower Dragon from your graveyard and if you summon Gaia the Dragon Champion with this effect, it cannot be targeted or destroyed by the opponent’s card effects.
Join the Dogmatika Nation
The next archetype in this set begins the new lore, as we have the Dogmatika archetype. This is an anti-Extra Deck archetype as they typically lock you from using your Extra Deck and can’t be destroyed in battle with Extra Deck monsters, plus there is also a centerpiece focus card for this lore that debuts alongside this archetype. Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous is a Level 4 that can’t be destroyed in battle by monsters summoned from the Extra Deck, can be Special Summoned from hand if a monster Special Summoned from the Extra Deck is on your field, and on Normal or Special Summon can let you search for any Dogmatika card at the cost of not letting you summon from
the Extra Deck for the rest of the turn. Dogmatika Theo, the Iron Punch is another Level 4 that cannot be destroyed in battle by monsters summoned from the Extra Deck, can be Special Summoned from hand if you control a monster summoned from the Extra Deck, and can target a monster on field summoned from the Extra Deck to have this monster gain 600 ATK and the target lose 600 ATK. Dogmatika Adin, the Enlightened is a third Level 4 that can’t be destroyed in battle by monsters Special Summoned from the Extra Deck, can be Special Summoned from hand if you control a monster Special Summoned from the Extra Deck, and if destroyed by battle or card effect lets
you summon a Dogmatika monster with a different name from the Deck. Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted is a Level 8 that can be Special Summoned from the hand as a Quick Effect if a monster Special Summoned from the Extra Deck is on the field and then can negate a monster’s effects on field for the turn if you control another Dogmatika monster, and can buff all your Dogmatika monsters by 500 ATK if a Dogmatika monster declares an attack. Dogmatika Maximus is a Level 8 that can be Special Summoned from hand by banishing a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link from your graveyard and during your Main Phase lets you send 2 cards from your Extra Deck to the graveyard to make your opponent do the
same at the cost of you not being able to summon from your Extra Deck for the rest of the turn. Dogmatika Nexus is a Level 11 that cannot be Normal Summoned/Set, can only be Special Summoned by banishing 4 Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and/or Links from your graveyard, and at the start of the Damage Step where this attacks a Special Summoned monster can let you destroy all your opponent’s Attack Position monsters and burn them for 800 for each Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link destroyed by this effect. Fallen of Albaz is a Level 4 that if Normal or Special Summoned, bar during the Damage Step, lets you discard a card to Fusion Summon any Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck by using this monster and monsters the opponent controls as Fusion
Material. Titaniklad the Ash Dragon is a Level 8 Fusion of Fallen of Albaz and any monster with 2500 or more ATK, gains ATK equal to the combined original Levels of its Fusion Materials times 100, after being Fusion Summoned lets this card become unaffected by the effects of monsters Special Summoned from the Extra Deck for the turn, and during the End Phase of the turn this card is in the graveyard and was sent there that turn lets you either search or Special Summon a Dogmatika monster or a Fallen of Albaz from Deck. Dogmatika Nation is a Field Spell that makes Dogmatika monsters untargetable by the effects of monsters Special Summoned from the Extra Deck, can destroy a monster your Dogmatika monster battles after Damage
Calculation, and if it is face-up in the Field Zone and destroyed can let you make both players send a monster from the Extra Deck to the graveyard. Nadir Servant is a Normal Spell that lets you send a monster from the Extra Deck to the graveyard to search for a Dogmatika monster with ATK less than or equal to the ATK of the sent monster at the cost of you not being able to summon monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of the turn. Dogmatika Punishment is a Normal Trap that lets you target a face-up monster the opponent controls to then send a monster with equal or higher ATK from your Extra Deck to the graveyard and then destroy the targeted monster at the cost of you not being able to summon from the Extra Deck for the rest of the turn. Finally, Dogmatika Encounter is a Normal Trap that either lets you summon a Dogmatika monster or Fallen of Albaz from hand or add to hand or Special Summon a Dogmatika monster or Fallen of Albaz from graveyard.
Infernal Noble Knights
The next archetype in this set is more support for Infernoble Knights we saw in Toon Chaos, and a sub-archetype for Noble Knights. Infernoble Knight Astolfo is a Level 1 that can let you banish a FIRE Warrior from hand or graveyard to Special Summon this card from hand and then have this card’s Level become the Level of the banished monster, and can be banished from the graveyard to Special Summon this card and a FIRE Warrior that’s banished or in your graveyard during your second Standby Phase after activating this effect. Infernoble Knight Ogier is a Level 4 that prevents a monster equipped with this card from being destroyed by card effects, on Normal or Special Summon lets you send a Noble Arms or FIRE Warrior with a different name from Deck
to the graveyard, and can be equipped from grave to any Warrior to this card. Infernoble Knight Oliver is a Level 4 Tuner that prevents the opponent from targeting a monster equipped with this card with card effects, can let you send a FIRE Warrior or Equip Spell from your hand or face-up field to grave to Special Summon this card from the hand as a Level 1, and can equip itself from grave to a Warrior you control. Infernoble Knight Magius is a Level 4 that prevents the a monster equipped with this card from being destroyed in battle, if sent to the graveyard lets you shuffle 3 other FIRE Warriors and/or Noble Arms that are banished or in your graveyard into the Deck to let you draw a card, and can
be equipped from your graveyard to a Warrior you control. Infernoble Knight Captain Roland is a Level 5 Tuner that can be Synchro Summoned using any Tuner and non-Tuner(s), if Synchro Summoned can let you send an Equip Spell from Deck to grave during the End Phase to add a Warrior from your Deck to your hand, and during the Main Phase as a Quick Effect can equip itself from grave to any Warrior to give it a 500 ATK boost. Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles is a Level 9 Synchro of any Tuner and non-Tuner(s), if an equip card is equipped to a monster on field (even during Damage Step) lets you destroy a card on field, and during the End Phase lets you equip an Equip Spell from grave to this card to then equip a FIRE Warrior monster from Deck to this card as an Equip Spell that boosts this
card’s ATK by 500. “Infernoble Arms – Durendal” is an Equip Spell while equipped to a monster can let you add a Level 5 or lower FIRE Warrior from your Deck to your hand and then destroy this card, and if sent to the graveyard because the equipped monster is sent to the graveyard can let you revive a Level 5 or lower FIRE Warrior from your graveyard at the cost of locking your Special Summons to Warriors for the rest of the turn. “Infernoble Arms – Hauteclere” is an Equip Spell that while equipped to a monster can target a monster you control to make that monster be the only monster able to attack that turn and let it attack twice and then this card is destroyed, and if sent to the graveyard because the equipped monster was sent to the graveyard lets you target
a face-up monster on field and destroy it. “Infernoble Arms – Joyeuse” is an Equip Spell that while equipped to a monster can let you target a FIRE Warrior in your graveyard to add this card to the hand and then destroy this card, and if sent to the graveyard because the equipped monster was sent to the graveyard lets you Special Summon a FIRE Warrior from the hand. Finally, Horn of Olifant is a Normal Trap that either lets you banish an Equip Spell you control or in the graveyard to destroy a card on field or can let you destroy a Roland monster you control to Special Summon up to 3 FIRE Warriors from Deck with combined Levels equaling 9 with their effects negated at the cost of preventing you from Special Summoning Warriors until the end of the next turn.
Search the Melffy Forest
The next archetype in this set is the debuting Melffy archetype, an archetype full of Level 2 Beasts that all Main Deck monsters bounce themselves to hand if the opponent Normal/Special Summons or targets the specific Melffy for an attack to gain a various effect depending on the Melffy, all in attempts to use your Level 2 Beasts to make Xyz plays as Melffys also summon themsleves from hand during your End Phase. Melffy Rabby is a Level 2 vanilla. Melffy Fenny is a Level 2 with the regular Melffy effect to let you summon a differently named Level 2 Beast from hand. Melffy Catty lets you add a differently named Level 2 Beast from Deck to hand. Melffy Puppy lets you summon a Level 2 Beast from Deck with a different name. Melffy Pony lets you add a Level
2 Beast from grave to hand with a different name. Melffy of the Forest is a Rank 2 of any 2 Level 2 monsters, can let you detach a material to add a Melffy card from Deck to hand, and if another Melffy returns to your hand (except during Damage Step) then this card lets you target a face-up monster the opponent controls to prevent it from attacking and have its effects negated while you control this card. Melffy Mommy is a Rank 2 of any 2 or more Level 2 Beasts, can once per turn as a Quick Effect attach any Beast from your hand or face-up field to this card as material, and gains effects based on the number of materials it has with 3 or more making this card unable to be destroyed in battle, 4 or
more making you take no damage from battles involving this card, and 5 or more when an attack is declared involving this card and an Attack Position card lets you burn the opponent for the ATK of their Attack Position card. Melffy Tag is a Quick-Play Spell that lets you Special Summon a Melffy monster from your graveyard. Melffy Hide-and-Seek is a Continuous Spell that prevents each Beast from being destroyed by card effect the first time they would be destroyed and can target 3 Beasts in your graveyard to shuffle them into the Deck and let you draw. Finally, Melffy Playhouse is a Normal Trap that lets you detach any number of Xyz Materials from Beast Xyzs you control to target that many cards the opponent controls to return those cards to hand to then have all your Beast Xyzs gain 500 ATK for the turn for each material detached.
Toys of Nightmares
One of the returning archetypes in this set is the Fluffal archetype with some more support for Toy Vendor and a new Fusion. Fluffal Dolphin is a Level 4 that can let you target a Toy Vendor in your graveyard to Set it and then let you send a Fluffal or Edge Imp Sabres from Deck to the graveyard and if sent to the graveyard as Fusion Material lets you shuffle into the Deck any of your Fusion or Polymerization Spells that is banished or in your graveyard into the Deck. Edge Imp Scythe is a Level 3 that lets you reveal this card in the hand during your opponent’s Main Phase as a Quick Effect to let you Fusion Summon a Frightfur monster using monsters in your hand or on field
(including this card) as material and can be banished from graveyard to prevent a Frightfur Fusion from being destroyed by battle or card effect. Frightfur Cruel Whale is a Level 9 Fusion of any Edge Imp and any Fluffal, if Fusion Summoned lets you destroy a card on both players’ fields, and once per turn as a Quick Effect lets you target a Fusion Monster you control to send a Frightfur card from Deck or Extra Deck that isn’t another Curel Whale to the graveyard to then have the targeted monster gain ATK equal to half its original ATK for the rest of the turn. Frightfur Repair is a Normal Spell that lets you
target a Frightfur Fusion in your graveyard to return it to the Extra Deck and then Special Summon a Fluffal or Edge Imp from your graveyard and can be banished from the graveyard to let you Special Summon a Fluffal or Edge Imp from your hand. Finally, Frightfur Jar is a Continuous Trap that is treated as Toy Vendor while face-up on the field or in the graveyard, can once per turn let you discard a card to draw a card to show it and then destroy a card on field if it was an Edge Imp or make you place a card in hand on top or bottom of the Deck if it wasn’t, and if sent to the graveyard can let you target a face-up monster the opponent controls to halve its ATK for the turn.
Darklord Origins
The last archetype that got a real wave of support in this set is the Darklord archetype, including a Fusion Monster to the archetype. Capricious Darklord is a Level 4 that during the Main Phase as a Quick Effect can let you Tribute Summon a Fairy monster face-up and if sent to the graveyard can debuff all your opponent’s monsters by 500 ATK and DEF for each Fairy you control for the turn. Indulged Darklord is another Level 4 that if Normal or Special Summoned lets you take 2 Darklord monsters from your hand or Deck with different Levels that isn’t another Indulged Darklord to Special Summon 1 of them to the opponent’s field and add the other to the hand at the cost of preventing you from activating effects of non-Fairy monsters for the rest of the
turn. Darklord Nergal is a Level 8 that gives your Fairies piercing and as a Quick Effect can let you pay 1000 LP to target a Darklord Spell/Trap in your graveyard for you to gain the targeted card’s effect and then shuffle it into the Deck, and also you can only Special Summon a Darklord Nergal once per turn. The First Darklord is a Level 12 Fusion of 3 DARK Fairies, prevents the opponent from targeting Fairies you control with card effects, destroys all cards the opponent controls if Fusion Summoned using Darklord Morningstar, and can let you pay 1000 LP during the Main Phase as a Quick Effect to Special Summon a Fairy from your hand or graveyard in Defense Position. Finally, Darklord Uprising is a Normal Trap that lets you send a Darklord monster from your hand or face-up field to the graveyard to Fusion Summon a DARK Fusion from your Extra Deck by using monsters in your hand or field as materials and then you gain LP equal to the ATK of the monster sent to the graveyard to activate this card.
Archetype Assists
Now it’s time to get into the archetypes that got 1 or 2 cards in this set only. Machina Resavenger is a Level 4 with a Quick Effect to send itself from hand or field to the graveyard to target a Machina you control to have it gain 1200 ATK until the end of the turn and can be added from grave to hand if a Machina you control destroys an opponent’s monster in battle. Unauthorized Bootup Device is a Level 1 Union with regular Union effects and if destroyed and sent to the graveyard while equipped with a monster, it can be revived from the graveyard. Mathmech Diameter is a Level 4 Tuner that if Normal Summoned lets you revive a Level 4 Cyberse that cannot activate its effects that turn and a Mathmech Synchro or Xyz that used this card as material gains the
effect that once per turn during the turn it was summoned, when your opponent activates a card or effect, then as a Quick Effect you can negate that effect. Nemeses Keystone is a Level 1 that can target a differently named banished monster to Special Summon this card and return the target to Deck and during the End Phase of the turn it was banished lets you add this card to hand. Koa’ki Meiru Supplier is a Level 4 that can be Special Summoned from hand if a Rock monster is sent from field to grave (except during the Damage Step) and if Special Summoned can let you add a Iron Core of Koa’ki Meiru or a card that specifically lists Iron Core of Koa’ki Meiru in its text that isn’t another
Supplier from Deck to your hand. Megalith Phul is a Level 2 Ritual that can be Ritual Summoned using any Megalith card, if Ritual Summoned can let you target a Ritual Monster in your graveyard to have this card’s Level become the targeted monster’s Level and then add the target to the hand, and during the Main Phase as a Quick Effect can let you Ritual Summon a Megalith Ritual from your hand or Deck by tributing monsters from hand or field whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster. Rikka Queen Strenna is a Rank 4 of any 2 Level 4 monsters, can detach a material to target a Plant monster or Rikka card in the graveyard to add it to the hand, and if this card with Xyz Material is tributed lets you Special
Summon a Rank 5 or higher Plant Xyz from your Extra Deck and attach this card to it as material. Ancient Warriors Oath – Double Dragon Lords is a Link-2 of any 2 Beast-Warriors, including a WIND Ancient Warriors, buffs all your Ancient Warriors by 500 ATK and DEF, if Link Summoned lets you add an Ancient Warriors card from Deck to hand, and as a Quick Effect lets you send a card from hand or field to the graveyard to target a face-up card the opponent controls to return it to the hand. Ancient Warriors Saga – East-by-South Winds is a Continuous Spell that must be sent to the graveyard during the 2nd Standby Phase after activation,
once per turn during your Main Phase can let you toss a coin and send this card to the graveyard if the result is heads, and if sent to the graveyard lets you for a whole turn prevent your opponent from responding to the effects of your Ancient Warriors monsters and gives your Ancient Warriors monsters the effect of when it declares an attack lets you destroy a card on the field. Magellanica, the Deep Sea City is a Field Spell that’s always treated as Umi, when activated can let you place a WATER monster from Deck on top of your Deck, can once per turn target a WATER monster you control to increase its Level by 1 or 2 for the turn, and once per turn during the Main Phase if you Special Summon
a WATER Synchro can let you look at the opponent’s hand to banish a card from it until the End Phase. Adamancpiator Friends is a Normal spell that lets you excavate the top cards of your Deck equal to the number of Rocks you control +5 to add to your hand 1 excavated Rock with a Level equal to or lower than the number of excavated cards, the rest of the cards are placed on the bottom of your Deck, and for the rest of the turn you can only Special Summon Rocks. Heavenly Dragon Circle is a Quick-Play Spell that lets you tribute a Wyrm to add a Wyrm from Deck to hand or Special Summon it instead if you tributed a non-Effect Monster, and can be
banished from the graveyard if you control a non-Effect Monster to add a Tenyi card from your Deck to your hand. Shaddoll Schism is a Continuous Trap that during the Main Phase lets you Fusion Summon a Shaddoll Fusion from your Extra Deck by banishing monsters on field or in grave as material, but the Fusion Summoned card cannot attack directly and after it’s Fusion Summoned you can send a monster the opponent controls with the same Attribute as the Fusion Monster to the graveyard. Dragonmaid Tidying is a Normal Trap that lets you target a Dragon you control and a monster the opponent controls or is in their graveyard to return both targets to the hand and can be banished from
the graveyard to let you Special Summon a Dragonmaid from your hand or graveyard in Defense Position that returns to the hand during the End Phase. Abyss Actor – Twinkle Little Star is a Level 4 Scale 9 Pendulum Monster with a Pendulum Effect that only lets you Pendulum Summon Abyss Actors and once per turn can let you target an Abyss Actor you control that lets it make 3 attacks on monsters during the Battle Phase that turn as long as it’s the only monster that can attack that turn and a Monster Effect to not be destroyed by battle during your turn and can attack up to 3 monsters during each Battle Phase. Performapal Card Garnda is a Level 3 Scale 8 Pendulum with a Pendulum
Effect that once per turn lets you target a face-up Defense Position monster you control to have it gain DEF equal to the combined original DEF of all monsters you control for the turn and a Monster Effect to gain DEF equal to the combined original DEF of all other Performapal monsters you control. Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon is a Level 12 Scale 12 Pendulum with a Pendulum Effect that only lets you Pendulum Summon Dragons and can target a Dragon Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz in your graveyard to revive it and destroy this card and a Monster Effect that makes this card unable to be Normal Summoned or Set, must be Special Summoned via Pendulum Summon or Special Summoned from hand by tributing 3 Dragons (1
Fusion, 1 Synchro, and 1 Xyz), can let you discard this card and pay 500 LP to add a Level 8 or lower Dragon Pendulum from your Deck to your hand, gains ATK and DEF equal to half the opponent’s Life Points, and can let you pay half your Life Points to shuffle all other cards on field and in the graveyards into the Deck. Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw is a Level 8 Fusion of any Performapal and any Odd-Eyes, cannot be used as Fusion Material, unaffected by other card effects if Fusion Summoned using Polymerization, and when it declares an attack it can buff all monsters you control by 300 ATK until the end of the Battle Phase. D/D Ark is a Level 4 Scale 1 Pendulum with a Pendulum Effect to target a Pendulum Summoned monster your opponent controls to
destroy it and this card and a Monster Effect that if destroyed by a card effect can let you Special Summon a face-up D/D Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck with its effects negated. D/D Evil is a Level 4 Scale 8 Pendulum with a Pendulum Effect that once while in the Pendulum Zone when the opponent Pendulum Summons a monster to have that Pendulum Summoned monster(s) be unable to attack and have its effects negated and a Monster Effect where it cannot attack unless you control another D/D monster and during the opponent’s Main Phase as a Quick Effect can let you target a face-up Pendulum Summoned monster the opponent controls to have its effects negated for the turn. D/D Dog is a Level 6 Scale 3 Pendulum with a Pendulum
Effect to target a Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz the opponent controls to negate its effects and destroy this card and a Monster Effect that once per turn if the opponent Special Summons a Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz can let you target 1 of those monsters to have its effects negated and unable to attack that turn. Speedroid Block-n-Roll is a Level 4 if sent to the graveyard as Synchro Material lets you Special Summon a Speedroid Token (Machine/WIND/ATK 0/DEF 0) with the same Level as the Synchro that used this card as material. Speedroid Car Turbo is a Level 3 Tuner that can be Special Summoned from hand if you control a WIND Monster in exchange for only letting you activate the effects of WIND Monsters for the rest of the turn and can be banished from
the graveyard with another Speedroid to have all your WIND Monsters gain 800 ATK for the turn. Raidraptor – Arsenal Falcon is a Rank 7 that needs 2 Level 7 Monsters, can detach a material to summon a Level 4 Winged Beast from Deck, can make a number of attacks during the Battle Phase up to the number of Raidraptors it has as Xyz Material if it has a Raidraptor as material, and if sent to the graveyard while it as a Raidraptor monster as material can let you Special Summon a different Raidraptor Xyz from your Extra Deck and attach this card to it as material. Raidraptor – Revolution Falcon – Air Raid is a Rank 6 of any 3 Level 6 Winged Beasts, can be Xyz Summoned by discarding a Rank-Up-Magic and using a Rank 5 or lower Raidraptor as material (transfer the
Xyz Materials on it to this), if Xyz Summoned can target and destroy a monster on the opponent’s field and if it was face-up it can burn the opponent for the ATK the monster had on field, and if destroyed in your possession by the opponent can let you Special Summon a Raidraptor – Revolution Falcon from the Extra Deck and use this as material. Finally, Superheavy Samurai Scarecrow is a Link-1 of any Superheavy Samurai monster, cannot be used as Link Material, prevents you from taking battle damage from battles involving this card while you have no Spells or Traps in your graveyard, and if you have no Spells or Traps in your graveyard you can discard a target to revive a Superheavy Samurai monster from your graveyard to a zone this card points to in Defense Position.
Generic Goodies
Now for one of the best parts of this set, the more generic cards in here. Thunder Hand is a Level 4 that can be Special Summoned from hand or graveyard and destroy a card on field if a monster with 1600 ATK and/or DEF is destroyed by battle or opponent’s card effect, but it’s banished if it leaves the field. Gizmek Okami, the Dreaded Deluge Dragon is a Level 10 that can let you pay 1500 LP to destroy all monsters Special Summoned from the Extra Deck on field at exchange of only letting you attack with 1 monster that turn, can be Special Summoned from hand if 2 monsters that were Special Summoned from the Extra Deck are on the field, and if sent to the graveyard by an opponent’s card can let you banish a monster in their graveyard and gain Life
Points equal to the banished monster’s ATK. Lifeless Leaffish is a Level 4 that when summoned lets you send any different Fish from your Deck to the graveyard and can be banished from the graveyard to shuffle 3 Fish Monsters in your graveyard into the Deck to let you draw a card. Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon is a Level 8 Synchro of any Tuner and non-Tuner(s), if Synchro Summoned lets you excavate the top 5 cards of your Deck to add an excavated LIGHT or DARK to hand and the remaining cards go to the graveyard, and can let you banish a LIGHT and DARK monster from your hand and/or graveyard to Special Summon this card from the graveyard that’s banished if it leaves the field. Drill Driver Vespenato is a Rank 5 of any 2 Level 5 Monsters, can
also be Xyz Summoned once per turn by using a Rank 4 you control as material (transfering materials on the Xyz to this card), cannot be used as Xyz Material the turn it was Xyz Summoned, does piercing, and if destroyed by an opponent’s card in the owner’s possession can let you target a Level 5 or lower monster in your graveyard and Special Summon it. Triple Tactics Talent is a Normal Spell that if the opponent activated the effect of a monster that turn can let you draw 2 cards, take control of an opponent’s monster for the turn, or look at the opponent’s hand to select a card and return it to the Deck. Blizzard is a Quick-Play Spell that lets you target a face-up Spell the opponent controls to negate
the activated effects of that Spell and all Spells on field with the same original name, and if the targeted card would be sent to the graveyard it is instead added back to the opponent’s hand. Fury of Kairyu-Shin is a Normal Spell that lets you add a Torrential Tribute from Deck to hand and can be banished from graveyard instead if a WATER Monster(s) would be destroyed. Forbidden Droplet is a Quick-Play Spell that lets you send any number of cards from your hand and/or field to the graveyard to choose that many Effect Monsters the opponent controls until the end of the turn and also halve their ATK and the opponent cannot respond to this card with the same card type as cards you sent to the graveyard to activate this
card (Monster, Spell, Trap). Diced Dice is a Quick-Play Spell that lets you roll a six-sided die to let you add a card that requires a die roll from Deck to hand if you roll a 1 or 6, otherwise you roll a die again and this card returns to your hand if you roll a 1 or 6 and to the top of the Deck if you don’t. Redeemable Jar is a Continuous Trap that lets you banish a Trap from your graveyard to let you add a Trap with a different name from the banished card from your graveyard to your hand. Ice Dragon’s Prison is a Normal Trap that targets a monster in the opponent’s graveyard to Special Summon it to your field with its effects negated and then you can banish a monster from both players’ fields with the same Type as each other. Junk Sleep is a Continuous
Trap that if the opponent Normal or Special Summons a monster, you can change all face-down Defense Position monsters you control face-up, and during the End Phase you can change all monsters you control to face-down Defense Position. Wynn the Wind Channeler is a Level 5 that’s always treated as a Charmer card, can be discarded with another WIND Monster to let you search any WIND Monster with 1500 or less DEF from Deck to hand at cost of only letting you activate WIND Monster Effects for the rest of the turn, and can be Special Summoned from hand if a WIND Monster is destroyed in battle. Seleglare the Luminous Lunar Dragon is a Level 6 that can be Normal Summoned without tribute
with its original ATK becoming 1500 and as a Quick Effect during the Main Phase can be returned to the hand to take control of a monster the opponent controls with ATK less than or equal to the ATK this card had on field. Ret-time Reviver Emit-ter is a Level 2 Tuner that can let you target a monster on each side of the field to change them to face-down Defense Position to Special Summon this card from hand or graveyard that’s banished when it leaves the field. Finally, Rampaging Smashtank Rhynosaber is a Level 7 Synchro of any Tuner and non-Tuners, can let you discard any number of cards to gain 700 ATK for each card discarded, and at the end of the Battle Phase where this card battled can be sent to the graveyard to Special Summon monsters from the graveyard whose combined Levels equal 7 with their effects negated.
In Conclusion
This could easily be another one of the greatest sets we’ve ever seen, making it a great start to this new era. We got two meta relevant archetypes on release with Infernoble Knights and Dogmatika in this set with a rogue option in Fluffals getting great support. We also got some great generic cards like Triple Tactics Talent and Forbidden Droplet that’ll likely be used in most to all Decks. We got some great potential in cards like Blizzard and Ice Dragon’s Prison. There’s some great support cards in here like Shaddoll Schism to help Decks get into El Shaddoll Winda, Mathmech Diameter to give Mathmechs some help they needed, Wynn the Wind Channeler as a searcher for many WIND Monsters, Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon finally coming to the TCG to help Pendulums and others, the missing Raidraptor Xyzs to help before we get that support in Phantom Rage, etc. You also got that amazing Chaos Synchro that’s a generic Level 8 to help anything LIGHT and/or DARK related. This is an amazing set that gives help to many Decks and new generic cards to help against powerful cards or to be game changers for you to use. Great start to the Sevens era while Rush Duels get their own sets, hopefully in the TCG eventually.
Thanks for Reading,