Subject: Nick's Yu-gi-oh!
top 10
Top 5 monsters
Knight (Can be combined With S.O.D.D,Book of secret arts Etc. Has a nice Atk of
2650 ,Can be played on yami,and is a fusion
2.Jirai Gumo (Has a nice Atk of
2200 but is a little risky)
3.Blue-eyes White Dragon (Why not It's the
second strongest monster in the game)
4.Summoned Skull (Has the same Atk
power as Dark Magician For one tribute)
5.Man-Eater Bug (Enough Said)
Top 5 Magic
1.Monster Reborn (Blue-Eyes Attacks Man-eater Bug Get Your
oponents Blue-Eyes
2.Change Of Heart(Get Your Opponents Strongest monster)
3.Ring of magnetism ( Have a Blue-Eyes And Castle walls Out )Ring of
MagNetism Takes away 500 Atk/Def points force your opponents monster to attack
4.Block Attack(select one of your opponent's monsters and shift it to
defense positon
5.Waboku ( Reduces Your opponents Damge to 0