Tsuzuki's Top 10
10) Magician Of Faith - Always useful in
the late game. However, the fact that it only brings back magic cards from your
grave brings it down a few notches. Also, it's near useless in the early game.
9) Pot Of Greed - The restricted drawing system of Yu-gi-oh. It's a
great card, but in my opinion it should have been restricted to two per deck.
There really is no downside to this card, but there are still better cards. This
card places a respectable 9 out of 10, definitly a deck staple.
Monster Reborn - Great card no downside. The biggest deck staple around. Anybody
who doesn't play one either lives in some far off village in the Eastern
hemisphere, or is just plain stupid. I just think that it's so good it shouldn't
be included in top 10 lists. It isn't fair to other great cards.
Barrel Dragon - It's stats are somewhat good for a level 7 (attk 2600/ def.
2200). But his real selling point is his effect, which makes him highly
playable. The only downside is that in order to actually play him effectively
you need to build a deck around him. The fact that he's a dark type is great,
too bad he wasn't a dragon.
6) Heavy Storm - This card is just about the
best thing to make your opponent feel like a complete idiot. you can wipe his
smirk off his face, and at the same time destroy several cards like Reigeki and
mirror force. In combination with dark hole or Reigeki in the late game, this
card could clear the feild for a direct assault which might just finish his life
5) Magic Jammer - It's great now, but later a quick play magic
card known as cyclone will come out, which destroys one magic or trap card on
the feild for no cost. Til then Magic Jammer and 7 theives' tools will remain
4) Dark hole - Ok...Anything that's restricted to one per deck
is awesome. Downside is that it also destroys your monsters too.
Harpy's Feather Duster - I can't believe it! It hasn't been restricted yet! What
the F***?? Can't they see how powerful this thing is?! It has a reigeki effect
with no downside, the only difference is that it destroys magic ant traps.
2) Reigeki - This card really takes it out of any opponent. I mean, It's
a huge staple! The only problem is getting your hands on one. I see them on ebay
for 15$ sometimes though. But what could be better than Reigeki.......
I got
1) Morphinen! 1 tribute for 1550 attack is awesome! Not even
Kojicocy can compare!
Ok......That wasn't it..........
THE REAL # 1....
1) Mirror Force - There are a few reasons why this card tops reigeki. First
off. It is a trap. It can be played during your opponents turn and is ment to be
played so. Secondly. It negates an opponent's attack. This has waboku built
right in. What else is there to say?