Here are what I think are the most over-rated,
unplayable, terrible cards in yu-gi-oh:
10. Polymerisation- this is only
on the list because it is so over-rated. It is a nice card, black skull
dragon and the equivilant are quite powerful. I only made this #10 because
many people play it without thinking, like on labyrinth tank or some other bad
fusion monster.
9. All non-effect monsters that are less
than 1600 atk and 2000 def- I dont know why these see play, La Jinn, 7
colored fish, etc, etc are just better, play them if you hope to win in real
8. Big eye- This is just sad, i've
actually seen this card in many decks. It is a total waste of a card
in your deck. It is weak, and its effect blows.
7. Fake Trap- I think one speaks
for itself
6. Red Eyes Black Dragon- i
think one applies to most two-tribute monsters that dont have blue eyes.
The only reason to play this is fuse it into black skull dragon, but even then
you would never actually play it.
5. Time Wizard-contrary to popular
belief, this card is NOT good, I repeat, NOT GOOD!! the ability is totaly
useless, exept in the most dire conditions, as fissure, trap hole, tribute
to the doomed, man-eater bug, hane-hane, etc.etc. should keep your opponent from
masing the amount of creatures this would be useful against, even then, raigeki,
mirror force, dark hole, and the like can mass remove them easier than this
pathetic thing can. USELESS CARD! the only reason it is not the
#1 bad card is because these other ones are worse.
4. Cheerful Coffin- terrible, just
bad, why would you do this? Dont say shadow ghoul because I play an
effective shadow ghoul deck, without wasting monsters to this. Dont say
monster reborn because there are better ways to discard.
3. Thousand Dragon- Why waste
three cards to make a 2400 when summoned skull is one card for a 2500?
having this card in your deck means you also have to waste at least one spot in
your deck on time wizard and another on baby dragon, both useless cards.
Then you need to waste a poly to fuse them!
2. Great Moth- your petit
moth will be killed before four turns are over, dont even try to make a moth
1. Gate Guardian-
this card will never see play, ever. if you can tribute six monsters to get the
three pieces out, and tribute them to get gate guardian out, then your opponent
deserves to loose. There is so much monster removal out, that getting one
two tribute monster out is hard enough, let alone three, at the same time.
I thought about a Gate Guardian deck with monster reborn and things to discard
it, but now that you cant do that, this card is the worst card in print.
Only reason I would want to open one in a pack is because it costs so much
Thank you for reading!! I hope it helps you
not play these cards!
by: Charles Formichella
at janef@adelphia .net