10) Gaia the dragon champion: works great with all my magic cards, and I have 2 of these in my fusion deck.
9) Raigeki: Reminds me when my friend has 3 blue eyes, there really IS a god.
8) De-spell: I hate when people think that My Summoned Skull is gone because of a lousy dark hole.
7) Dark magician: *In teasing tone* I know how to beat a Blue eyes by 900 with this, and Yo-ou do-on't!
6) Man-Eater bug: Your BEUD can't stop ME!
5) neo the magic swodsman: heck, he even LOOKS cool.
4) Lord of D.: My buddy! My pal! My ticket to a BEUD 3 rounds in!
3) Summoned Skull: H.O.U: He Owns U
2) Dragon Capture Jar: It's... so BEAUTIFUL!
1) The one, the only... CHANGE OF HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!