Imakuni James []
Subject: Top 11-20
I'm getting bored of all these BEWDs and Raigekis and Summoned Skulls
(though I love Summoned Skulls). I thought it would be an interesting task
to bring you the top 11-20, that is, the top 10 that don't usually make the top
10 list.
20. Polymerization: I know it doesn't do anything much, but it's
mandatory for fusion monsters. It deserves more credit.
19. Fissure: I didn't think this was any good, but then it was used
against me. And it's really annoying. I was going to destroy my
Uraby to get out Summoned Skull, but Fissure killed it so I had to get rid of my
only remaining La Jinn.
18. Armed Ninja: It's stats suck, but no tribute makes this sorta
like a De-Spell. Oh, well.
17. Reaper of Cards: It has alright attack and pretty good
defense, but getting rid of a trap card is pretty handy.
16. Aqua Madoor: Upon first inspection, I tought a rare card
with bad attack was a horrible card, but its defense is pretty good.
15. Gravedigger Ghoul: The anti-Reborn. It doesn't appear
to do much untill you look at all the Monster Reborn/------- combos out
14. Terra the Terrible: I just like it because it wears a bunny
13. Goblin's Secret Remedy: 600 LP is nothing to scoff at!
12. Final Flame: 600 LP is nothing to scoff at!
11. The Exodia Quintet: L Arm + R Arm + L Leg + R Leg + Head = You
10-1. Summoned Skull, BEWD, REBD, Dark Magician, Monster Reborn,
Raigeki, etc.
Thanks for listening,
James the Hippy