My Top Ten List


1. Spear Cretin cause this card can be set then once its dead you can summon a bewd or something and kick


2.Eternal Rest this card is overlooked it may seem bad but it is actually very good If your opponent tries to power up a monster just use this card.


3.Illusionist Faceless Mage cause this card is cool and you put in defense and its pretty good.


4.Summoned Skull this card is awesome it takes one tribute for the power of a dark magician.


5. Change of Heart good card if your opponent only has one strong monster on the field.


6. Blue Eyes White Dragon is there a reason to not have this card in your deck I mean come on this card is incredible.


7. Waboku this card can really save your butt if you don’t have any monsters and that’s why its my favorite trap card.


8. Celtic Guardian I think this card I cool and its pretty good equipped with a card.


9.Reborn The Monster I love this card step 1 destroy bewd step2 play moster reborn and reborn bewd step 3 destroy.


10. Dark Magician This is the ultimate card. Ok I know what your thinking why would you summon a dark magician when you could just summon a blue eyes or something well Dark Magician is the coolest card I have ever seen just look at him.

