Top ten OVERATED cards in the game by cardthrowingfiend
10. Sword of the Deep Seeded So what if it powers up
your guy, if your opponent kills him and you have no monsters in your hand, he gets a turn to attack .9. Horn of the unicorn Same as sword of deep Seeted.
8. Dark Magician Don’t you just love it when little kids power him up and then you just fissure it, what a waste of two monsters for a measly 2500 attack.
7. Toon Monsters I don’t think these suck, but people think these are invincible. They’re still playable, but they take lots of skill.
6. Kazigen, Suigen, and Sangan of Thunder For two tributes these guys aren’t worth it. Their effects are a personal wobaku, but who would attack these anyway? Why not TTTD them?
5. Megamorph This card is alright, but many people count on it winning for them single handedly.
4. Blue Eyes White Dragon Some people just automatically toss tese in their deck without thinking. You need a deck revolving around BEWD to make him playable. When most people bring Blue Eyes out, they just get trap-holed.
3. Barrel Dragon It’s effect is alright, but with not many ways to special summon it, it will most likely get trap holed. Its effect is good though.
2. Summoned Skull I know I’ll get hatemail for this, but I know that it is OVERATED. I think SS is pretty good, but some people are willing to trade anything for it.
Swords of Revealing Light Man, people will get mad at me for this. SoRL is good, but some think that it is "The most sought after card in the game" C’mon. It can be easily countered. Don’t get me wrong, I play one too. I just think people take it too seriously.
Praise Mail, hate mail? Or just wanna chat about Yu-GI-OH! If so, feel free to mail me at My next top ten card will be the best looking ones. Laer.