This is my Top Ten cards of all time. Maybe you people won't agree with me, but it's just my opinion. So, without further adieu, my Top Ten.
10 - Blue eyes White Dragon: This card is good. That is why it is only number 10. It isn't great, but good. I like it. With 3000 attack, it has the highest attack for a monster that isn't a Fusion card! That is why it makes my Top Ten list!
9 - Gravity Bind: This card stops all cards of level 4 and over. It stops Beatdowns in a heartbeat. Most decks bow down to this. However, it stops your level 4+ monsters from attacking as well. It can be extremely destructive in a Burner deck, or possibly a Defensive deck. DONT use it in your Beatdown! Now on to number 8:
8 1/2 - Change of Heart 8 - Snatch Seal: As you see, Change of Heart got 1/2 a mark lower than Snatch Seal. Most people think that Snatch Seal is CoH's little brother, but you get to keep one of their face up monsters for the rest of the duel! CoH only allows 1 turn. With Snatch Seal, if you take a BEWD, SS, Jinzo, or another card with over 2000 ATK, you are at least dealing 1000 a turn if they have no monsters. The downside to it is that it becomes an equip card on the monster you take. So unlike CoH, you can't use it over in two or three turns....unless the monster is killed.
7 - Magician of Faith: Sure she has crappy stats. But what "good" effect card doesn't have crappy stats? At least for the "type" of effect she is. You get to reuse one of your magic cards over again! Now, from the show, this seems like a waste of time. Sure, Yugi uses it to get back Monster Reborn after flipping her, but when she uses it against Mai, she takes back some crappy equip card (the name escapes me!) .
6 - Labyrinth Wall: Ok, your probably thinking, "What is LW doing in front of MoF?" Well I can tell you that right now. LW's defence strength is 3000. Add to that a Horn of Light (3800) and you have a nearly unstoppable wall! Play Shield and Sword with 2 of these suckers and you can deal 6000+ damage! WOW!
5 1/2 - Buster Blader 5 - Barrel Dragon: Well, these aren't as similar as SS and CoH. But their primary attacks are the same. They are both level 7. Buster Blader, when facing a Dragon deck or when using DNA Surgery, can easily get up to over 5000. 2 Dragons puts it to 3600. 4 is 4600. 5 is 5100. There ya go. BD on the other hand kills one monster (possibly) per turn, AND can still attack! This means that you can "kill 2 birds with 1 stone!"
4 - Goblin Attack Force: Well, all of you must agree with me here. This card has 2300 ATK and is only a level four! It has drawbacks, but unless you are playing Shield and Sword, you won't have to worry. Once you attack, you place it in defence mode. That means it abuses the hell out of S&S (Too many cards have 2 words starting with S!) . So add 2 or even 3 to any deck. This card works mainly in stall decks.
3 1/2 - Relinquished 3 - Thousand Eyes Idol: These cards have made it to the top 3. Yes Pegasus' nasty creations are already out. I'm not surprised that UpperDeck made them into Ultra and Super Rares. Thousand Eyes didn't make number 1 because it is hard to get and to get out. Both of their effects are slightly similar, except that when you have TEI out, it is only monster that can attack! That's an awesome effect!!
2 - Pot of Greed: Perhaps one of my favorite cards of all time. It lets YOU draw 2 cards without any drawbacks. You don't have to discard anything, you can pick it up no matter how many cards there are in your hand. The only thing that could make this card better is if you were to draw 3 or more cards each time you play this; That, ot take the restriction off!!
1 - Sanga of the Thunder/Suijin/Kazejin: Well, you guys are gonna hate me for leading up to this, cuz your all thinking, "Well those are 2 tributes, they have crappy attacks, and their effect is a built in Waboku." But your wrong about that. The effect is not the same as Waboku. Let's have a trial scenario: XD
You have a Summoned Skull on the field, and they attack with B. Skull Dragon. When you activate Waboku, BATTLE DAMAGE is reduced to 0. Battle damage is the difference between BSK and SS's attacks. Unless SS is in defence mode, it would be calculated by ATK - ATK.
Now, let's say BSK is attacking your Sanga, and you activate the effect. Well, it doesn't get killed. So what's the big deal? It shouldn't be up here at number 1!! But your wrong again. When that BSK attacked and you activated Sanga's effect, it reduced BSK's ATTACK STRENGTH to 0!!! That means that a monster with 0 attack has just tried to kill Sanga. Not only is BSK destroyed, but they lose 2600 LP. This isn't the same in the show, but if it were, Yugi and Joey would be dead by now!! lol
Anyway, wasn't that fun? We learned about new cards! Well I hope you enjoyed yourselves! If you have any problems, or don't agree with me, or if you think I'm right, then e-mail me. I would happy to help! My e-mail is . Bye!