Ok….People first things first. Sacrifice monsters suck! Right now there are only two worth playing. Summon Skull and Jinzo. Besides that, I’ll beat you every time if you run tribute monsters. If you run fusion your bad at this game. Running fusion, you use at least 4 cards to play one( Polmerization,two monsters to fuse,and the fusion monster) just to have me fissure it. That’s 4 of your cards against 1 of mine. I don’t care how good the fusion monster is it’s not worth it. Toons are also horrible. Against anybody who’s decent at yu-gi-oh you will die before you at going. Now that that’s out of the way my top 10 list.
Top 10 Monsters pre Pharaoh’s Servant
10. Summon Skull(It’s a tribute monster)
9. Man-Eater Bug(Kills a Monster)
8. Masked Sorcerer(Card Advantage wins games)
7. Sangan(Gets pieces of Exodia)
6. Exodia(Alternate win condition is good)
5. White Magical Hat(Disadvantage and Exodia killer)
4. Magician of Faith(Gets back the best cards in the game)
3. La Jinn Mystical Genie of the Lamp (1800 four star is great)
2. MechanicalChaser (Beat four star out right now)
1. Witch of the Black Forest(Gets the best monsters in the game)
Top 10 Magic and Trap pre Pharaoh’s Servant
10. Forceful Sentry(Take there best card first thing)
If you have any questions you can email me at Mtggreeneboy@yahoo.com