Alex the unknown's top 10 trap cards!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone and welcome back to Alex's top 10. It has been an exciting two weeks with both of my lists going up, and I have gotten all excellent feedback. I thank everyone for all the support… Now (with booming voice) LETS GET STARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10. Ultimate Offering- One of my favorite cards considering it could get u out a two-tribute monster in two turns. Opponent: "Hey it's my 7 colored fish VS. Your Ryu Kishin-Powered!" You: "But look I flip Ultimate offering get out my Tri-Horned Dragon and blow your stinkin' 7 colored into processed fish sticks!"
9. Waboku - This causes any damage from an opponent's monster to drop to zero. Opponent: "My BEWD is facing down your Psychic Kappa! Whatcha gonna do?!" You: "I'm gonna flip this card, and turn your damage to zero!!! That just bought me some time to fissure your BEWD!"
8. Solemn Judgment- Pay half your life points to negate a magic, trap, or monster card. All of you must be thinking, "Wow what a great card!" But for those of you who don't know you need to pay half your life points to activate this card. Don't get me wrong it's a good trap, but just not the best.
7. Trap Hole- Great card, but only can work for normal summons. This is a one of those staple cards, which means you should have at least 2 of these in your deck. Opponent: "I just summoned my Barrel Dragon and your Battle Ox is about to be road kill!" You: " And I just trap holed your Barrel Dragon and my Battle Ox can attack your life points!"
6. Robbin' Goblin- This card is a great card for any deck. For any LP damage your opponent inflicts on you take one card from his/her hand and discard it to the graveyard. Opponent: "HA! I just destroyed your Dark Magician!" You: "Did you not noticed my Robbin' Goblin? And now I discard one of your cards to the graveyard, ooh and look at that it was your BEWD!"
5. Horn of Heaven- this, ladies and gentlemen, is a personal favorite. Tribute a monster of your own to negate the summoning of your opponent's monster and destroy it! What a great card! You: " Huh, I just activated my horn of heaven, I'll tribute my Penguin Knight and negate the summoning of your Relinquished!"
4. Spellbinding Circle- this is another good trap card which can freeze one of your opponent's monsters for three turns. Opponent: "My Summoned Skull is Hear and it is something to fear!" You: "My spellbinding circle has frozen your Summoned Skull and my Axe of Despaired La Jinn is ready to attack!"
3. Magic Drain- The new PSV card! When your opponent activates a magic card you flip this card. Your opponent may discard a magic card. If he/she does not, the activation of his magic card he just played is negated and destroyed!
2. Seven Tools of the Bandit- Another personal favorite. This card can negate and destroy the activation of any trap card, but you must pay 1000 points for this effect to occur. Opponent: " I just Magic Jammered your Black Illusion Ritual card!" You: " And I just paid 1000 LP to negate the effect of that card and destroy it with my Seven Tools. Thus my Relinquish has still been summoned!"
Yay! It's time for the card of the day/week/whatever. Today's card of the day is… Mechanical Chaser! I personally don't see the big deal in this card. I would only keep it for its rarity and even then I would just put in a binder. Everyone's like OH MY GAWD I found a Mechanical Chaser. Woohoo it has 1850 ATK points. A Dark Elf has 2000, and a Jirai Gumo has 2200! Sure Jirai Gumo has its drawbacks, but if you don't attack, Mechanical Chaser can't do a thing.
If you would like to contact me on how good my choices are or just want to say I'm an idiot then contact me at