Yugioh Top 10 list

10.the forceful sentry-you see your opponents hand and send a card back to their deck and mix their deck up


9.Dark Magician-great stats


8.axe of dispair-powers up any monster's attack by 1000 and just offer 1 monster on the field as a tribute to put it on top of your deck


7.spellbinding circle-use it against such cards as blue eyes ultimate and it can't attack or change its battle position this card is hot


6.mirror force-obvious reason,negate attack and destroy all opponents monsters in attack position


5.barrel dragon-hot stats and great effect toss a coin three times get 2 heads destroy one monster on the field you can do it once per turn i just destroyed buster blader


4.blue eyes white dragon-mighty stats


3.black skull dragon-very powerful attack and defense can beat the mighty blue eyes and think how powerful it could get if you power it up with axe of dispair 4200atk and 3500def  only problem is its a fusion but i could form it

(original atk and def)3200 atk and 2500 def


2.gate guardian pieces-mighty effect and stats (reduce attacking monster's attack to 0) can do major damage, can even beat gate guardian its self


1.relinquished-need i say more- only problem is its a ritual monster

