Top Ten Favorites in my Deck

10. Final Destiny/ Magic

Discard 5 cards from your hand to destroy all the cards on the field.

This is one of my good ones. I like it, although activation is costly.

9. Beta the Magnet warrior/ level 4/rock/earth/1700/1600

Alpha, Beta, and Gamma meld as one to form a powerful monster.

This card has good stats and it's holo. I still need the others though.

8. Dian Keto the Cure Master/magic

Increase your Life Points by 1000.

This card has saved my butt 1000 times, get it,

7. Magician of Faith/level 1/spellcaster/effect/light/300/400

Flip:Select 1 Magic Card from your Grave yard and return it to your hand.

A good card that lets me use dark hole again or even better, Rageiki.

6. Witch of the Black Forest/Level 4/Spellcaster/Effect/Dark/1100/1200

When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, move one monster with a DEF of 1500 or less from your Deck to your hand. Your Deck is then shuffled.

This is the best way to get my Summoned skull out of hiding.

5. Mystical Space Typhoon/magic/quick

Destroy 1 Magic or Trap Card on the field


4. 7 Colored Fish/Level 4/Fish/Water/1800/800

A rare rainbow fish that has never been caught by mortal man.

This is my strongest level 4 monster in my deck. I like it.

3. Flame Swordsman/Level 5/Warrior/Fusion/Fire/1800/1600

Fusion:Flame Manipulator+Masaki the Lengendary Swordsman

This is one of my best favorites.

2. This one is a tie

Graceful Charity/magic

Draw 3 cards from your deck, then discard any 2 from your hand.

Nuttin to say, but it is cool and holo.

Dark Magician/Level 7/ Spellcaster/Dark/2500/2100

The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and denfense


And #1(drum roll------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Red Eyes Black Dragon/level 7/dragon/dark/2400/2000

My personal favorite.

I'm Alex Sims contact me at