Subject: Chris's top 10 Yu-Gi-Oh!
restricted magic/trap cards
Chris's top 10 Yu-Gi-Oh! restricted
magic/trap cards
1.Mirror Force-killing all your opponents monsters and
saving your life points for 1 turn is critcal. its just TOO GOOD!!!
Raigeki-same as above. killing all your opponents monsters is awesome.
Harpie's Feather Duster-the magic/trap kiling machine. its really good when your
opponent has a helpless Magic Cylinder face-down
4. Imperial Order-a free
of discarding Magic Jammer. I love this card. and prevents your opponent from
playing trap cards for 1 turn, or if you pay 700 Life Points, your opponent
can't play magic cards for even longer of a time period.
5. Swords of
Revealing Light-stopping your opponent for 3 turns awesome. that can help you
get some better cards on your field and your opponent is beating you
6.Snatch Steal-just think of taking your opponent's Jinzo and the
have nothing to stop you. that's great. one big draw back is your opponent gains
1000 Life Points at each of his standby phases.
7. Monster Reborn-this
card always helps, in exodia decks to get back a Witch of the Black Forestor
Sangan, or in beatdown decks to get back Jinzo or Summoned Skull.
of the Haunted-getting back a monster from your Graveyard is always good.
expeccialy when your opponent is going to attack your Life Points, and you flip
it to get back a good monster.
9. Pot of Greed-what can I say drawing 2
cards with no draw backs is awesome.
Magci Cylinder-good card for doing
damage to your opponents Life Points, and to save your own.