Subject: Jeff's Top 10
Creatures,Magics, And Traps!!!
Top 10 Mons!
#10 Opticlops 1800/1700
4**** Damn ill take that over jinn, fish, etc any day
#9 Cyber Jar 900/900
Blow stuff up... hmmm sounds good to me.
#8 Fiber Jar Start the game over
#7 Bazoo 1600/900 even though mean ol' upperdeck killed bazoos amazing
power still worthy of #7 on my list
#6 Kycoo 1800/700 Wow i dont like that
jinzo or any other power mon in your graveyard well i think there gone now!!
#5 Mechanicalchaser 1850/850 4**** i had 2 trade big stuff for 3 of
#4 Gemini Elf 1900/900 4**** Period.
#3 Yatagarasu 200/100 My
favorite card of all time it has saved me so many times:)
#2 Injection Fairy
Lady 200/1400 4**** hmm ill lose 2000 LP and youll lose 3400LP that sounds
pretty good to me.
#1 Jinzo 2400/1500 um you gotta be kidding me any beatdown
deck that doesnt pack one of these NEEDS to get abused by me w00t.
Top 10
#10 Pot Of Greed Draw 2 Cards i dont know but i think thats kinda
#9 Dark Hole You Die Now!!!
#8 Premature Burial 800Lp to get back
my fairy lady i think thats pretty cool :)
#7 United We Stand my god i dunno
but i think this card should of had BROKEN on it lolzz
#6 Graceful Charity
GOD MAN Draw 3 drop 2= GREAT EVERY deck should pack 2 of these MY
#5 Swords Of Revealing Light hmm u cant hit me for 3
turns i think that sounds good :D
#4 Change of heart uhh.... do i even need 2
#3 Raigeki THUNDERBOLTS!!!
#2 Harpies Feather Sweeper yeah if
you dont have one of these in your deck your pretty stupid
#1 Monster Reborn
prolly one of the greatest cards of all time next to call of the haunted and
mirror force :D
And last but not least the TOP 10 TrApZ
#10 Jar Of
Greed yeah i think ill draw 1
#9 Solemn Judgement counter anything waa!?!?!?
oh i lose 1/2 my LP ok
that made the card a LITTLE bit fair lolzzz
Royal Command hate those flip effects welll then this is the card for you
Imperial Order hmm 700LP so you cant play magics sounds great 2 me...
Bottomless Trap Hole hmm removed from the game is really good the last time i
checked lolzzz
#5 Ceasefire wow you wanna play exodia against me i think you
can take some
#4 Ring Of Destruction hmm blast a monster up i like
that alot
#3 Magic Cylinder uh yeah broken
#2 Call of the haunted WA!?!?
is this a reborn in a trap!?!?!?!?? U GOTTA BE KIDDING ME gimme a B gimme a R
gimme a O gimme a K gimme a E gimme a N What does it spell class?
#1 Mirror Force Period!!