Subject: Kane's Top 10 Yu-Gi-Oh!
fun card's...
Kane here AGAIN, if you have not
seen my previous work, check for it... my work is god-like.
Top 10 Fun cards.
10) Sword Hunter
200 power up, isnt great in tournament play... put it is quite
cool in fun, casual play. I mean, no one takes casual play seriously?, so it is
fun to do.
9) Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi
Discarding hands is quite fun, and a nice attack... spiritual
energy machine thingee keeps it in play... ^_^;
8) De-spell
Is it a magic or trap... lets look at it ^_-
7) Princess of Tsurugi
Casual usually means it is safe to place magic down... and
they take 2000, >:)
6) Just desserts
Look up but replace magic with monster
5) Buster Blader
Dragons are common in casual play
4) Summoned Skull
It's fun anyway
3) Blue Eyes White Dragon
It is the "best" monster... fraid not -_-;
2) Jinzo
Trap cards are fun, no more fun for traps
1) Spell Binding Circle
Is that summoned skull?, i'll just SBB it,
* = Maniacle villainous laughter
Hope you enjoy this, and remember, Yu-Gi-Oh! is a card game...
take it easy.
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