Subject: Top 10 Reasons
Kuriboh is Broken -Kirby
Hi, I'm Kirby. This is my 2nd top 10 list. Oh, by the
way, thx for all the praze mail.
-For those of you who don't noe,
Kuriboh has stats of 300/200, and if you discard it from your hand when you take
damaged the damage you take is reduced to zero.
Heres the Top
10. Just look at that whopping ATK! It will probably never be
Fissured, cuz it will have the highest ATK on your field EVER!!
9. Well,
its not really a Top 10, but, never discard Kuriboh from your hand when you take
damage, NEVER!!
8. Just 3 Axes makes Kuriboh stronger than Blue-Eyes
White Dragon.
7. Mesmerize your opponent with that shiny hypnotizing
holofoil furry puffball image.
6. I mean, it can do 300 damage to your
opponent's LP!!
5. Kuriboh can do 300 points of damage to your opponent's
4. Did I mention it can do 300 damage to your opponent's
3. Kuriboh + Seven Tools
I don't really
know why 7 tools is there, but Kuriboh is still good on its own. Don't you
agree? :)
2. Kuriboh + Nachos
Great appetizer.
1. Kuriboh +
Multiply + Dark Hole
Fill up your field with those intimidating Kuribohs,
then Dark Hole them. Your opponent will be confused and will most likely give up
the duel.
Thats all. And if you haven't noticed, that was pure
Send all Praise Mail, Yata-Garasues, Nachos (mmm), Jinzoes,
Kuribohs yes Kuribohs, any free money, hate mail (soo inspiring), Spear Dragons,
computer viruses and such to Plz don't add me to