Subject: phatman's top ten power cards
subject: 10 best power cards (besides all the others, have these in your deck!!)
10- wall of illusion(SDY): in yugioh, this is one of the most under-rated cards in the game! only gemini elf or a risking lvl 4 monster (jirai gumo, dark elf) or a lvl 5 monster can kill it. put atleast one in your deck. the monster attacking goes back to its owner's hand, so imagine if someone used blue eyes to attack it.
9-invader of the throne(MRL):again, if used right this card can be of tremendous has high defence power, so set it. during your stand by phase, take control of one of your opponent's monster's (upperdeck changed the rule). and unlike change of heart, its permanent control.
8-gravekeeper's servant(MRL)this card can either get rid of your opponent's entire deck, or get rid of the many cards they have, or prevent them form attacking you until they destroy it. every time they attcak, the top card of their deck is immediately discarded to the graveyard. think about it.
7-drop off(LOD): use this card in mid  or beginning of a duel. only a super rare legacy of darkness card. the card that your opponent draws is immediately discarded to the graveyard. 50% it will be their best or worst card. wither way, they still lose one.
6-rope of life(PGD): an ultra rare phaonic guardian card. if your like me, then most of the time you'll only have 3 or less cards in your hand at all times (usually), so discard them and use rope of life. you specil summon the monster that was destroyed back to the field the same turn, and add on 800 ATK points. worth it, isnt it?
5-bottomless trap hole(LOD): just a rare. but packs quite a punch. say your cornered, no monsters, only thius trap, and they summon "fiend megacyber" or " summoned skull". you activate this baby. it works for any summon, including flip and special with any monster of 1500 ATK or more. not only that, the monster is removed from play too. no cost.
4-jinzo(PSV):one of the best cards in the game, jinzo comes 4th. higher DEF than summoned skull, 100 less than summoned skull. super effect. this card in combination with gravekeeper's servant and kuriboh would make a rough combo for an opponent who relies on traps, like the many people who use tornado wall, and waboku, and even mirror force or magic cylinder. get one, if you can.
3-blast with chain(LOD)- again, just a rare. activate it any time you want to increase a selected monster's ATKby 500 points. and even better, when the monster equipped with this card is destroyed, blast with chain's efefct activates and you take ANY CARD on the field with it to the graveyard.  get this rare, it will surely help you~!!
2-soul exchange(SDY)- this card can easily be found, considered most of the people i know under rate it. inn combination with a good trap card, skipping your battle phase to sacrifice one of your opponent's monster's to play one of yours is way worth it. but again, just to be safe, lay a trap card down.
1-combo- maha vailo+malevolent nuzzler+metalmorph (metalmorph) (FMR)- i dont know how many times ive been defeated by this card, but its amazing. increase a selected monster's ATK and DEF by 300 points. when you destroy a monster, add half of it's attack points on to the equipped monster. and due to maha vailo's effect, it gains 500 extra ATK every time.
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ill respond to you if you want me to, and answer any questions about other cards too. (just leave your email)

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