Subject: yu-gi-oh top 10 top 10
over and under rated cards
ok i've written two top ten lists and they both got
posted (yay) but this is the one i want to get posted more than either of
i will start with underrated and then go to my over
rated top 10 the scores will be 10 worst 1 best and my e-mail is if you want to comment but
please no profanity
under rated
10. blue eyes white dragon... he's the highest non
effect attacker in the game but the fact that he is a two card tribute kills his
my score 3.5/5
9. dark magician (seeing a pattern this is how my
top 10 worst cards went... sort of) he'll be better in a couple sets but he is
bad now.
my score 1/5
8. great moth... i've seen a deck dedicated to this
guy and it's pretty good but not tournament worthy
my score (in a deck based on him)
7.summoned skull... this is my favorite card 50
more than ha dez and 100 more than jinzo(plus he works great with ha dez) i
think he should get more attention especially in fiend decks
my score 4.7/5
6. fairy injection lilly... this can go on both
over rated and under rated 2000 is high but this can be an awsome card in a last
turn deck as well as many others
my score 4/5
5. yata garasu ... same story as lilly can go on
both lists people run away from him because they don't like 200
my score 4/5
now it gets interesting
4. seven tools of the bandit... jinzo is good but
he would be better if he could choose the traps he negates because not all traps
can be bad to you and thats why i like seven tools it lets you choose what
you can negate
my score 3.5/5
3. magic drain... people hate this card but i dont
see why you can get rid of magic cards that they play or better magic cards in
their hand
my score 3/5
2. magic jammer... more selctive about negateing
than imperial same story as seven tools
my score 4/5
1.last turn... why do so many people put this down
if they have ever faced a last turn deck they would fear it
my score (in a themed deck) 5/5
now for over rated cards
10. imperial order... this negates your magics too
so it can really hurt you if you are not careful
my score 3/5
9. trap hole... people still use this.
my score 2/5
8. jinzo... he's good don't get me wrong but say
your opponent plays solem judgement and lose 4000 that can be good just knock
them out in the next turn.
my score 3/5
7. yata garasu... you need big monsters to help
back him up
my score (themed deck) 4/5
6. fairy injection lilly... 2000 to activate her
effect can hurt unless she attacks directly
my score 4/5
5. don zaloog... what's wrong with zarung? 1400
attack wont last long against a good duelist
score 4.5/5
4. suzuki samurai... yea kill any monster is good
but next turn he will get pummled
score 4/5
3. air knight parshath... destroy a monster to get
a 1900 attacker be reasonable many 4 star attackers can kill this thing why not
use an extra graceful charity or magician of faith to bring back grace
score 2.5/5
2.exiled force... tribute to the doomed can be just
as good i'd say use both
score 4/5
1. the most over rated card in the game is
raigeki(lots of hate mail on this remember no profanity)... it is the best card
in my deck but a well timed dark hole can be better. you can clear your field
with dark hole if you put out 5 monsters. say you have out jinzo but your
opponent has 3 monsters down easy dark hole monster reborn attack. what i'm
saying is people use raigeki and throw away dark hole use both people dark hole
is as good (in some ways) as raigeki
my score 5/5
ok that was long took me almost two hours to write
i hope you enjoyed it and i hope it gets posted