Alright these cards are the cards you would least like to see when you think you are going to get the win.
10. Scapegoat-Allows your opponent to get some draws in and maybe find a way to comeback from what your going to do deffinantley a harsh card.
9. Swords of Revealing Light- Another stall card same reasons as number 10
8. Creature Swap- Your opponent takes your stronger card that your running amuck with and uses it against you.
7. Harpies Feather Duster-If you run a strong magic deck or equip deck this is your worst nightmare it’ll knock you of your platform of dominance a strong morale blow.
6. 3x Ground Collapses-NO MONSTERS!!!!!!
5. Skull Lair- This card provides a late saving opportunity if you have enough cards in your graveyard but definantly worth saving in a deck
4. Change of Heart-Deals a strong blow to your momentum especially when it gets tributed for a strong monster
3. Raigeki-Destroys your bench and he has easy accesability to your LP’s
2 Yata-Garusa w/ Robbin Gobblin- THE DREADED YATA-LOCK
1. ANY MONSTER WITH NO LP- Some ppl might find this answer a bit awkward but any monster can be your biggest threat if you have no defense this answer is to a deliver a message that defense is as equally important as offense.
Bryan Ashworth