Jonathan's Yu-Gi-Oh! Top 10 List- Top 10 Noobie Moves
10. Put all cards you have in your deck.
9. Play Red-Eyes Black Dragon because Joey plays it.
8. Play Dark Magician because Yugi plays it.
7. Use Gate Guardian.
6. Use all your money to buy Destiny Board and Exodia.
5. Say you believe in the "Heart of the Cards" when you actually do believe.
4. Put Fusion Monsters in your main deck and actually try to Normal Summon it.
3. Change of Heart a monster and put it in defense mode.
2. Try to fissure a Blue-Eyes White Dragon when your opponent has a attack mode Penguin Soldier. Then after you realize you can't, you still fissure the Penguin Soldier instead of attacking it with your Luster Dragon you bought for $157.73.
1. Combine all the starter decks and enter a tournament.
If you liked my Top 10 list or had any questions, E-Mail me, Jonathan, at and if you are a noobie and were offended don't e-mail me and then drop out of Duel Monsters.